【大家说英语】 第197期:工作考核如何?(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Work 第十一课 工作

June 24 6月24日
How Was Your Work Review? 工作考核如何?
Read it! 读读看!
Everyone is talking about the upcoming work review. 大家都在谈论即将来临的工作考核。
Jim is comparing his weather reports with the real weather. 吉姆正在比对他的气象报告以及实际上的天气状况。
Is he doing a good job on his weather reports? 他的气象报告做得好不好?
Abby doesn't like the employee review questions. 雅碧不喜欢那些员工考核的问题,
They're difficult questions! 那些问题很难回答!
But she just needs to be honest. 可是她只需要诚实作答就行了。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Jim? 吉姆,你在做什么?
Oh, I'm comparing my weather reports with the real weather. 哦,我在比对我的气象报告和实际上的天气状况。
What's wrong with the weather? 天气有什么问题?
Nothing is wrong with the weather. 天气没有问题,
It's just to make sure I'm giving good reports. 我只是要确认我的气象报告没有出错。
It's also part of my work review. 这也是我工作考核的其中一部分。
Work review? What's that? 工作考核?那是什么?
LTE TV wants good employees, so Carol meets with every employee. 大家说英语电视台要的是优秀的员工,所以卡萝会和每个员工会面,
They talk about the employee's work. 讨论他的工作成果。
Conversation B 会话B
Susie, am I a hard worker? 苏希,我是个工作认真的员工吗?
Of course you are! 妳当然是!
Why do you─oh, you must be answering the work review questions. 妳为什么…啊,妳一定是在回答工作考核的问题。
They're really difficult! 这些问题很难!
I don't know how to answer them. 我不知道怎么回答。
The questions aren't so bad. They're just personal questions. 这些问题没那么难答, 只是私人问题而已。
But I don't want to score too high or too low. 可是我不想得太高分,也不想得太低分。
Don't worry about that. Just be honest. 别担心分数, 只要诚实作答就行了。
Conversation C 会话C
Rob, can I ask you something? 罗柏,我可以问你一件事吗?
Sure. What is it, Taylor? 当然可以。泰乐,什么事?
It's about the upcoming work review. 是关于即将来临的工作考核。
How do you feel about the changes we made to your show? 你对于我们为你的节目所做的改变有什么感想?
Well, at first I wasn't sure. 这个嘛,我一开始不太确定,
People don't always like changes. 人不一定总是喜欢改变。
I see. 原来如此。
But the show seems to be doing very well this year. 不过今年节目看起来非常受欢迎,
I'm not worried about the reviews at all! 我一点都不担心考核!