【大家说英语】 第198期:工作考核如何?(2)(在线收听

 June 25 6月25日

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When you have a work review, you need to meet with your manager. 你接受工作考核的时候,必须和主管会谈。
Susie and Rob had great meetings with Carol. 苏希和罗柏与卡萝会谈的过程很愉快,
They learned their programs are big successes. 他们得知他们的节目都非常成功。
Abby had a great meeting, too. 雅碧的会谈过程也很愉快,
She has the right skills for her job. 她拥有的技能正适合她的工作。
Everyone has been so helpful. 大家都很热心帮忙。
Alex needs his time sheet for his meeting, but he didn't prepare it during the week. 亚力克斯必须带工作日志去参加会谈,可是他在周间没有做好准备。
Conversation A 会话A
I heard some great news at my work review meeting, Rob! 罗柏,我在我的工作考核会谈上听到了一些很棒的消息!
Was it about our news program? 是关于我们的新闻节目吗?
Yeah! It's doing really well this year. 没错!我们的节目今年非常受欢迎,
People say it's interesting. 观众都说内容很有趣。
Congratulations! The talk show is a big success so far, too. 恭喜!谈话节目至今为止也非常成功,
More people are watching it! 收看的人愈来愈多!
That's great. I think Taylor has done a great job as producer. 太棒了。我觉得泰乐是一位很出色的制作人。
Yes, she had some good ideas. 没错,她有些很棒的点子。
Conversation B 会话B
What's wrong, Abby? 雅碧,怎么了?
I'm nervous about my meeting with my manager. 我对于我和主管的会谈感到很紧张。
Your first six months have been very good, Abby! 雅碧,妳在这里的头六个月表现得非常好呀!
Thanks. Everyone has been so helpful! 谢谢,大家都很热心帮我!
Everyone says the same thing about you. 大家也都这么说妳。
You have all the skills a secretary needs. 妳拥有一位秘书所必须具备的所有技能。
I am nervous about this work review. 我对这场工作考核感到很紧张。
Don't be nervous. You're a great worker. 别紧张, 妳是个很棒的员工。
Well, you're a great friend! 嗯,妳是个很棒的朋友!
Conversation C 会话C
Alex, what are you working so hard on? 亚力克斯,你这么认真是在做什么呀?
My time sheet! I need to finish it for my work review. 我的工作日志!我的工作考核需要这份数据,
I haven't had time to prepare it. 可是我一直没有时间准备。
Oh, no! Now you need to remember everything you did during the week. 糟糕!这下你必须回想你在这礼拜做过的所有事情了。
Yeah! And the times I did them! 是啊!还有我做那些事情的时间!
It was a very busy week. 这礼拜真的很忙。
Well, at least your manager will know you aren't lazy! 好吧,至少你的主管会知道你不懒惰!