【大家说英语】 第199期:办公室小偷(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Talk About It 第十二课 主题讨论

June 26 6月26日
The Notebook Thief 办公室小偷
Angela needed an eraser. 安洁拉需要一块橡皮擦,
She was drawing a picture, but it didn't look right. 她正在画一张图,可是看起来怪怪的。
She looked around for her eraser, but couldn't find it. 她四处找着她的橡皮擦,但是找不到。
She stood up and walked to the supply closet. 她站起来,走到文具柜。
She found Carl taking three or four notebooks from the closet. 她发现卡尔从文具柜里拿了三、四本笔记本。
"You use lots of notebooks!" she said. “你笔记本的用量好大!”她说。
"No, these are for my children. My children need them for school," laughed Carl. “不是,这些是给我小孩用的, 我的孩子在学校需要笔记本。”卡尔笑着说。
"You're not using them for work?" asked Angela. “你拿这些笔记本不是为了工作需要?”安洁拉问。
"No. But don't tell anyone," Carl said with a smile. “不是,可是不要告诉别人。”卡尔微笑着说。
Office supplies were only for work. He knew that. 办公室文具只能供工作使用, 他知道这一点,
But taking the notebooks didn't bother him. 可是拿取那些笔记本却没有令他觉得良心不安。
The notebooks didn't cost much, but they still belonged to the office. 那些笔记本虽然没多少钱,但仍是属于办公室所有。
Carl could tell Angela didn't like him taking the notebooks. 卡尔看得出安洁拉不喜欢他拿取那些笔记本,
He told her that everyone did it, but she didn't believe him. 但他对她说大家都这么做,可是她不相信他。
"OK, Angela," said Carl, "did you ever take a pen home from the office?" “好吧,安洁拉,”卡尔说,“妳有没有把办公室的笔拿回家过?”
Angela had done that. 安洁拉做过这样的事情。
But that was just one little pen, right? 可是那只是一枝小小的笔而已呀,对不对?
"Is taking a pen different from taking a notebook?" asked Carl. “那拿一枝笔和拿一本笔记本有什么不同吗?”卡尔问她。
Angela thought about that. 安洁拉思索了一会儿,
Stealing is stealing. 偷窃就是偷窃。
But did anyone really care if people broke this rule? 可是如果有人违反这项规定,真的有人在乎吗?
Carl walked away with the notebooks. 卡尔带着笔记本走开了。
What would you do? 你会怎么做?