【大家说英语】 第204期:美国国庆日(在线收听

 Lesson 2 News 第二课 实时新闻

July 3 7月3日
Fourth of July 美国国庆节
Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. 明天是七月四日,
The Fourth of July is America's national day. 七月四日是美国的国庆节,
On July 4, Americans celebrate their country's birthday. 美国人在七月四日庆祝他们国家的生日。
They remember their history. They are happy to be Americans. 他们纪念自己的历史, 以身为美国人为乐。
Some cities have parades on the Fourth of July. 有些城市在七月四日会举行游行。
Famous people, students and others are in the parades. 名人、学生以及许多人都会参加游行,
They ride on floats and in cars. 有的还搭乘花车与汽车呢。
Many others watch the parade and cheer. 还有许多人则是会观看游行,欢呼庆祝。
Many countries have a national day. 许多国家都有国庆节,
Everyone can enjoy national day. 大家都可以享受国庆节。
People do not go to work. 民众在这一天不需要上班,
They can relax with their families and have fun. 可以和家人一起放松,做些有趣的事情。
Sometimes everyone goes to a big parade. 有时候,大家都会参加一场大游行;
But people can enjoy picnics at home or in a park. 但一般人也可以在家或在公园里野餐;
In some countries, there are fun games and contests. 有些国家国庆节会举行些好玩的游戏或竞赛。
National days are fun. 国庆节很有趣。
After dark on a national day, some places have fireworks shows. 在国庆节当天天色暗了之后,有些地方会举行烟火表演。
Everyone waits for the fireworks. 所有人都会等待施放烟火,
The fireworks fill the sky with colors. 美丽的烟火让夜空充满了绚烂色彩。
In some places, people can buy their own fireworks.  They bring them home and light them. 在有些地方,人们可以自己买烟火带回家施放。
At the end of the day, everyone is tired and happy. 国庆节庆祝活动结束之后,大家都又累又开心,
They feel proud to be a citizen of their country. 他们为自己身为这个国家的公民感到自豪。
A national day is an important day for everyone. 对于大家而言,国庆节是一个重要的日子。