【大家说英语】 第208期:请帮个忙(2)(在线收听

 July 9 7月9日

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How many people will ask for Abby's help? 有多少人会请雅碧帮忙?
Alex asked her to call Rob's guests. 亚力克斯请她打电话给罗柏的来宾;
Taylor asked her to pick up lunch. 泰乐请她去拿午餐;
Rob is glad to see her in the Jungle Cafe. 罗柏很高兴能够在丛林咖啡馆遇到她,
He needs a favor, too. 他也需要请她帮忙。
Can Abby ask his guests if they have any questions? 雅碧可以帮他问那些来宾有没有任何问题吗?
She'll try her best. 她会尽力。
A poor homeless man asks her for something to eat. 一个可怜的流浪汉请她施舍一些食物,
Can she give him a meal, too? 她也能够给他一份餐点吗?
Conversation A 会话A
Are you eating lunch here, Abby? 雅碧,妳在这里吃午餐吗?
No. I'm just picking up lunch for some people in the office. 不是,我只是帮办公室里的几个人到这里来拿午餐。
Well, I'm glad to see you. Can you do me a favor? 喔,我真高兴能够遇到妳, 妳可以帮我一个忙吗?
What's that? 什么忙?
Alex told me that you're helping him call my guests. 亚力克斯跟我说妳会帮他打电话给我的来宾,
Ask if they have any questions. 请妳问他们有没有任何问题。
OK. I'll do my best. 好,我会尽力。
Thanks. Then let Alex know about them. 谢了,问完再把结果告诉亚力克斯。
Conversation B 会话B
Excuse me, miss. 小姐,不好意思。
I'm sorry, sir. I'm in a big hurry. 抱歉,先生, 我在赶时间。
But I just want a meal. Please help a poor man. 可是我只想吃一顿饭, 请妳帮帮我这个可怜人吧。
But I don't have anything to give you. 可是我没有东西可以给你呀。
You have two bags of food! Please. 妳有两大袋的食物!求求妳。
But this is for everyone at my ... 可是这是我同事的…
Here. You can have this. 来吧,这个给你。
Thank you, miss! 小姐,谢谢妳!
Conversation C 会话C
Here's a list of the questions from the guests for you, Alex. 亚力克斯,这是你要的来宾提出的问题清单。
Thanks, Abby! 雅碧,谢了!
And I'll send you a report from Susie soon. 我等一下就会把苏希的报导寄给你,
I'm helping her out. 我在帮她打字。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Oh. And I helped pick up our lunches for Taylor. 哦,我还帮泰乐拿了我们大家的午餐。
Wow. You've been very helpful today, Abby. 哇,雅碧,妳今天帮了好多忙呢。
Well, I also helped a homeless man. 呃,我还帮了一个流浪汉。
I gave him your lunch. Sorry. 我把你的午餐送给他了,对不起。