【大家说英语】 第209期:欢唱时间(在线收听

 Lesson 5 eReport 第五课 英文札记

July 10 7月10日
Song Time! 欢唱时间!
Welcome to the recording studio at Studio Classroom! 欢迎来到《空中英语教室》的录音室!
We record many of our Song Times here. 我们的〈欢唱时间〉有许多歌曲都是在这里录制的。
It takes a lot of people to create a Song Time. 创作一集〈欢唱时间〉需要由许多人共同完成,
We have teachers, writers and musicians at Studio Classroom that help. 我们在《空中英语教室》有英文老师、作曲家和乐手可以帮忙。
We also have sound engineers. 我们也有音响工程师,
Sound engineers work in the recording studio. 音响工程师在录音室里工作,
They help musicians record music. 帮助乐手录制音乐。
As the musician records a song, the sound engineer makes the song sound good. 当乐手录着一首歌,音响工程师就会让那首歌听起来很动听。
Everyone works very hard, and they're very talented, too! 每个人都非常认真地工作,而且他们也都很有才华!
The Song Time process begins with Doris or another English teacher writing some lyrics about a certain topic. 〈欢唱时间〉制作过程是先由彭蒙惠老师或另一位英文老师针对一项主题编写歌词,
The lyrics then go to a musician. 再把歌词交给一位作曲老师,
The musician thinks of a good musical style for the song. 作曲老师会为这首歌想出适当的音乐风格,
Then he or she writes music for the lyrics. 再为歌词谱曲。
After that, the musician chooses instruments to play the song. 然后,编曲老师再挑选演奏这首曲子的乐器。
In a rock song, he or she may use drums or electric guitar. 如果是摇滚歌曲,编曲老师可能就会使用鼓或者电吉他。
For jazz, he or she may choose piano or trumpet or saxophone. 如果是爵士歌曲,编曲老师可能就会选择钢琴、小喇叭或萨克斯风。
When the music is finished, a singer records the song in the studio. 伴奏音乐完成之后,就由一位歌手到录音室里录制这首歌。
The sound engineer sits in a different room. 音响工程师坐在另一个房间(音响控制室)里,
The engineer's job is to adjust the sound while the singer is singing. 音响工程师的工作是在歌手唱歌的时候调整声音,
The engineer makes sure the song sounds great when it is finished. 音响工程师必须确保录制下来的歌曲听起来会很好听。
The song then goes to the TV department. 然后,歌曲再送到电视部门。
A director listens to the song and films a music video. 导演听过歌曲之后,会拍摄一部音乐影片。
That is the Song Time video that you see on the Let's Talk TV show! 这就是你在《大家说英语》电视节目上看到的〈欢唱时间〉影片!