【大家说英语】 第211期:在养宠物吗?(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Pets 第八课 宠物

July 16 7月16日
Do You Have a Pet? 有养宠物吗?
Read it! 读读看!
Dr. Howl is a veterinarian. He talks to Rob about pet care. 嗥叫医生是一位兽医,他和罗柏谈论照顾宠物的问题。
Don't feed pets food for people. It can make pets sick or fat. 不要喂宠物吃人类的食物,这样可能会让宠物生病或者发胖。
Many pets have a lot of energy. They need exercise. 许多宠物都充满精力,它们需要运动,
Then they won't get bored and destroy things. 这样它们就不会觉得无聊而破坏物品。
Also, pets don't like to be alone. 此外,宠物也不喜欢孤单,
Pet owners need to spend time with them. 宠物饲主需要花时间陪伴它们。
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the show, Dr. Howl. 嗥叫医生,欢迎来到节目上。
Thank you, Rob. I'm glad to be here. 谢谢你,罗柏,我很高兴能够来到这里。
Dr. Howl, you're an animal doctor. 嗥叫医生,你是个动物医生。
That's right. I'm a veterinarian. 没错,我是兽医。
So let's talk about pet care. 那我们就来谈谈怎么照顾宠物吧。
Sure. All animals need food, fresh water and exercise. 没问题。所有的动物都需要食物、新鲜的淡水和运动。
What kind of food? 什么样的食物?
They need good pet food. Don't feed them food for people. 它们需要良好的宠物饲料,不要喂它们吃人类的食物。
Conversation B 会话B
Why can't pets eat food for people? 宠物为什么不能吃人类的食物?
It can make pets sick. And it can make them fat, too. 这样可能会导致宠物生病,也可能会导致它们发胖。
I see. How much exercise do pets need? 原来如此。宠物需要多少运动?
Well, many dogs need 60-90 minutes of exercise every day. 这个嘛,许多狗儿每天都需要六十到九十分钟的运动,
They have a lot of energy. 它们有许多精力。
Yes. But exercise keeps them healthy and happy. 的确,可是运动能够让它们保持健康与快乐。
Right. So they won't get bored and destroy things. 没错,这样它们就不会觉得无聊而去破坏东西。
Conversation C 会话C
So how do you choose a pet? 宠物要怎么挑选?
Think about your time. Are you really busy? 想想你自己的时间。你很忙吗?
Are you away from home all day? 你会整天不在家吗?
Most pets don't like to be alone all the time. 大多数的宠物都不喜欢长时间孤单在家。
Think about cost, too. 也要想想那个花费。
Yes. Pets can be expensive. 没错,宠物的价格可能很贵,
Health care for them can cost a lot! 它们医疗保健的花费也可能很高!
Thank you, doctor. You were very helpful today! 谢谢你,医生,你今天提供了非常有用的信息!