【大家说英语】 第213期:来打网球吧!(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Sports 第九课 运动

July 20 7月20日
Let's Play Tennis! 来打网球吧!
Read it! 读读看!
Tony Tennis is a professional athlete. 东尼.网球先生是一位职业运动员。
He is a tennis coach and player. 他是网球教练,也是球员。
He is really good at his job. 他非常擅长自己的工作。
Tony practices tennis every day. 东尼每天都会练球。
How does he practice? 他如何练习呢?
He hits balls many times. 他会击球许多次,
And he swings his racket in different ways. 还会以不同方式挥拍。
Athletes work hard. But they like their work! 运动员都很辛苦且努力, 但他们很喜欢自己的工作!
Conversation A 会话A
We have a very special person with us today. 我们今天有个很特别的来宾。
Welcome to the show, Tony Tennis! 东尼.网球先生,欢迎来到节目上!
Thank you, Rob. 罗柏,谢谢你。
Tony, what is your job? 东尼,你从事什么工作?
Well, I'm a tennis coach. 这个嘛,我是网球教练,
I'm also a professional tennis player. 也是职业网球手。
Do you practice tennis every day? 你每天都会练球吗?
Yes, I do. Sometimes I practice twice a day. 会, 有时候我一天会练两次。
Conversation B 会话B
Do you take tennis lessons? 你会上网球课吗?
No, not anymore. But I watch other professional players on TV. 现在不会了, 可是我会在电视上看其他职业球员打球,
They play so well! 他们打得非常好!
So how can people learn tennis? 一般人要怎么学打网球?
They can practice every day. 他们可以每天练习。
Tennis isn't easy. So they need to practice a lot. 网球不容易打, 所以需要很多的练习。
Right. People can hit balls with their rackets. 没错。大家可以用球拍击球练习,
They can swing their rackets in many different ways. 可以用许多不同方式挥拍。
Conversation C 会话C
Do you love your job? 你热爱你的工作吗?
Yes, I do! Practice is hard work. 是啊!练球很辛苦,
But tennis matches are so much fun. 可是网球比赛非常好玩。
And you teach other people about tennis, too! 你也教别人打网球!
That's right. Athletes work hard. 没错。运动员都非常辛苦而且很努力,
But we have fun jobs! 可是我们的工作很有趣!
Thanks for coming, Tony. 东尼,谢谢你来到我们节目。
Well, that's it for now. See you next time! 今天节目就到这里了, 下次再见!