【大家说英语】 第223期:暑期打工(2)(在线收听

 August 6 8月6日

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Grace is the new waitress at the Jungle Cafe. 葛蕾丝是丛林咖啡馆新来的女服务生,
This is Grace's summer job. 这是她的暑期工作。
Taylor orders a large coffee from her. 泰乐向她点了一杯大杯咖啡。
Susie washed dishes at a restaurant for her summer job. 苏希有一次暑期打工是在一家餐厅洗碗盘;
She also worked at a swimming pool. 她也曾在一座游泳池工作过,
But she wasn't the lifeguard. 可是她不是救生员,
She cleaned the pool! 而是负责清洗泳池!
Abby worked as a babysitter and tutor! 雅碧当过保姆和家教!
Conversation A 会话A
Good morning. Can I help you? 早安,请问我可以为您服务吗?
Yes. Can I get a large coffee? 好,我可以点一杯大杯咖啡吗?
Sure. That is $4.25. 没问题,这样是四块二十五分。
Thank you. 谢谢妳。
Are you new at the Jungle Cafe? 妳是丛林咖啡馆的新进员工吗?
Yes. My name is Grace. 是,我叫葛蕾丝,
Today is my third day of work. 今天是我第三天上班。
Welcome! My name is Taylor. 欢迎妳!我叫泰乐,
I work next door at LTE TV. 我在隔壁的大家说英语电视台上班。
Nice to meet you. This is my summer job. 很高兴认识妳, 这是我的暑期工作。
Conversation B 会话B
Oh, look. There's a new waitress today. 看,今天有一个新的女服务生。
Her name is Grace. She works here for her summer job. 她叫葛蕾丝, 她到这里来暑期打工。
Really? I had summer jobs in high school and college. 真的吗?我念高中和大学的时候也有暑期打工过。
What did you do? 妳做了什么工作?
One summer I worked at a restaurant. 我有一个暑假到餐厅工作。
Were you a waitress? 妳是女服务生吗?
No. I washed dishes. 不是,我负责洗碗盘。
I also worked at a pool. 我还在游泳池工作过。
Were you a lifeguard? 妳是救生员吗?
No. I cleaned the pool! 不是,我负责清洗泳池!
Conversation C 会话C
Did you have a summer job in college, Rob? 罗柏,你大学的时候有在暑假打工过吗?
Yes, Abby. I worked at an amusement park. 有,雅碧。我到一家游乐园去工作。
That sounds like a fun summer job. 听起来像是一份很好玩的暑期工作。
It was a fun job. What about you? 的确很好玩。妳呢?
In high school, I was a babysitter. 我高中的时候当过保姆。
Did you have a summer job in college? 妳大学的时候也有去暑期打工吗?
Yes! In college, I was an English tutor. 有!我大学的时候当过英语家教。
Wow. Cool! 哇,真酷!