【大家说英语】 第224期:庆祝父亲节(在线收听

 Lesson 3 News 第三课 实时新闻

August 7 8月7日
Celebrating Fathers 庆祝父亲节
Happy Father's Day! 父亲节快乐!
Many countries celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. 许多国家都在六月的第三个星期日庆祝父亲节,
But in Taiwan, Father's Day is on August 8. 可是台湾的父亲节是在八月八日。
Why? Because the Chinese word for August 8 sounds like the word for father, baba. 为什么呢?因为在中文里,八月八日听起来像爸爸。
How do people celebrate Father's Day? 人们如何庆祝父亲节呢?
Some buy their dad a gift. 有些人会买礼物送给爸爸,
It may be something to wear or a special treat. 可能是衣物或者特别的点心;
Others take their dad out for a meal. 有些人会带爸爸出外用餐;
Some people like to plan an activity. 有些人则是喜欢规划家庭活动,
Then the family can spend time with their dad. 这样全家人就都能够有时间和爸爸在一起。
Why is there a special day for fathers? 为什么会有父亲的特别节日呢?
Because fathers are important. 因为父亲很重要,
Fathers provide for their children. 父亲供应子女的需要。
They work so their families can have food, clothes and a place to live. 他们努力工作,好让家人能有食物可以吃、有衣服可以穿、有房子可以住;
Fathers protect their families and keep them safe, too. 父亲也会保护家人的安全;
Fathers are also teachers. 父亲还是老师,
They teach their children to make good decisions. 他们教导子女做出好的决定;
Good fathers believe in their children. 好爸爸对自己的子女有信心,
They help them grow up to be good adults. 他们会协助子女成长为正直的成年人。
Fathers are an important part of their children's lives. 父亲是儿童生命中很重要的一个角色,
They help their children succeed and learn useful skills. 他们帮助子女获取成功并且学习有用的技能。
Good fathers encourage their children. 好父亲会鼓励子女,
They help them when life is hard. 也会在人生不顺遂的时候帮助他们。
They are glad when good things happen to their children. 子女如果有好的际遇,父亲会为他们感到高兴。
Fathers also teach their children to be confident. 父亲还会教导子女对自己有自信。
Fathers always love their children, and their children know that. 父亲深爱自己的子女,而他们的子女也知道这一点。
A good father makes life better for his children. 好父亲会让子女的人生过得更好。
Thank your father this Father's Day! 今年父亲节好好感谢你的父亲吧!