【大家说英语】 第225期:车祸(在线收听

 Lesson 5 Around Town 第五课 城镇地标

August 12 8月12日
The Car Accident 车祸
Read it! 读读看!
There is an accident on Fifth Avenue. 第五街发生了车祸,
The police and ambulance are there. 警察和救护车都赶到了,
The accident is serious. 车祸很严重。
The Fifth Avenue and June Road intersection is dangerous. 第五街与六月路的交叉路口很危险,
Cars drive too fast there. 经过那里的车子行进速度都太快了,
The intersection is near a junior high school. 而且十字路口又邻近一所国中,
Many students cross the street at the intersection. 许多学生都会在那里过马路。
The intersection needs a stop sign! 那个路口需要一个“停车再开”的标志!
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Rob. What's wrong? 嘿,罗柏,怎么了?
Hi, Susie. There is a car accident on Fifth Avenue. 嗨,苏希,第五街发生了车祸。
Oh, no! Is anyone hurt? 糟糕!有人受伤吗?
I think so. The police and an ambulance are there. 应该有, 警察还有一辆救护车都到了。
That's serious. How many cars were in the accident? 那很严重。有几辆车涉入那场车祸?
There were two cars and a truck. 两辆轿车和一辆卡车。
I hope everyone is OK. 希望大家都没事。
Conversation B 会话B
I often see accidents on Fifth Avenue. 我经常在第五街上看见车祸。
Me, too. The Fifth Avenue and June Road intersection is dangerous. 我也是, 第五街和六月路的十字路口很危险。
I know! There is no stop sign or traffic light there. 是啊!那里没有停车再开的标志,也没有红绿灯。
Yes. Cars drive too fast there. 嗯,经过那里的车子速度都太快了,
Drivers have to be more careful! 驾驶人必须小心一点!
Drivers need to slow down! 驾驶人必须放慢速度!
And that intersection needs a stop sign. 而且那个交叉路口也需要设置停车再开的标志。
Conversation C 会话C
There was a bad car accident this morning. 今天早上发生了一场很严重的车祸。
I know. It was on Fifth Avenue. 是啊,在第五街上。
Police cars were there this morning. 今天早上那里有警车。
The accident happened near June Road. 车祸发生在六月路附近。
Oh, no! Really? 不会吧!真的吗?
The junior high school is at that intersection! 那个十字路口有一所国中!
Right. A lot of students cross the street there. 没错,许多学生都会在那里过马路。
Yes. It can be dangerous for them. 是啊,那个路口对他们来说很危险。