【大家说英语】 第230期:自行车不见了(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Mystery 第八课 悬疑事件

August 19 9月19日
The Missing Bike 自行车不见了
The doorbell rings at my house. 我家的门铃响了。
I open the front door. 我打开前门,
I see a little girl. She is crying. 看见一个小女孩, 她在哭。
"What is wrong?" I ask her. “怎么了?”我问她。
"My lovely bike is missing," she says. “我漂亮的自行车不见了,”她说。
"I'm sorry. Tell me about your bike," I say. “我真遗憾, 跟我说你的自行车是什么模样,”我说。
She gives me some pictures of her bike. 她给了我一些她自行车的照片,
Then she stops crying and starts talking. 然后停止哭泣,开始述说起来。
She always keeps her bike at home. 她总是把自行车停放在家里。
She rides her bike every day. She loves her bike. 她每天都会骑自行车, 她很爱她的自行车。
I look at the pictures. 我看了看那张照片。
The bike is small, thin and green. 那辆自行车很小很轻巧,是绿色的。
"Who wants your bike?" I ask. “谁会想要妳的自行车?”我问,
"Do you think someone has it?" “妳想会被什么人拿走吗?”
She tells me about a boy named Dan. 她跟我提到一个名叫丹恩的男孩。
He might have her bike. 自行车可能在他那里,
He always takes her things. 他总是拿走她的东西。
We look for the bike. We go to Dan's house. 我们去找自行车, 我们到了丹恩的家。
Dan is outside his house. 丹恩在屋子外,
He has a bike. The bike is small. 他有一辆自行车。那辆自行车很小,
It looks like the bike in the girl's picture. 看起来很像女孩照片里的那辆自行车。
But Dan's bike is yellow. The girl's bike is green. 可是丹恩的自行车是黄色的, 女孩的自行车是绿色的。
I look closely at Dan. 我仔细看了看丹恩,
I see yellow paint on his pants. 看见他的长裤沾有黄色的漆。
"We found your bike," I say. “我们找到妳的自行车了。”我说。