【大家说英语】 第234期:拼图游戏(2)(在线收听

 August 27 8月27日

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Peter Puzzle loves puzzles. 彼得.谜题先生热爱解谜游戏,
They exercise his brain. 这些游戏能够锻炼他的大脑。
He puts jigsaw puzzles together with his friends and family. 他和亲友一起拼拼图,
They are proud when they finish one. 只要完成一幅就会引以为傲。
Peter likes to solve sudoku puzzles, too. 彼得也喜欢破解数独谜题,
He also does crossword puzzles. 他还会玩纵横填字谜。
Do crossword puzzles make people smarter? 纵横填字谜会让人变得更聪明吗?
It's likely, but Peter isn't sure. 这是很有可能的,可是彼得不确定。
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to our show, Peter Puzzle! 彼得.谜题先生,欢迎来到我们的节目!
Today we're talking about puzzles. 今天我们要谈论解谜游戏。
Great! I love puzzles. 太好了!我最爱解谜游戏了。
Why do you like them? 你为什么喜欢解谜游戏?
They're fun, and they exercise my brain. 因为解谜游戏很好玩,又可以锻炼我的大脑。
Do you like jigsaw puzzles? 你喜欢拼图吗?
Sure! I put them together with my friends and family. 当然喜欢!我都和亲友一起拼拼图。
And everyone is proud when you finish. 拼完的时候,大家都会引以为傲。
Yes! But that can take a long time! 没错!可是可能会花上很长一段时间!
Conversation B 会话B
Do you like sudoku? 你喜欢数独游戏吗?
Oh, yes. I do those a lot. 喜欢,我常玩数独。
They're a fun way to use your brain. 数独是很有趣的动脑方式。
Many people solve sudoku puzzles. Why is that? 许多人都会破解数独谜题, 为什么?
Because you can complete it. 因为你可以完成这件事。
What do you mean? 什么意思?
You can't solve all the problems in your life, but you can solve a sudoku puzzle. 你不可能解决人生中的所有问题,但你能够破解数独谜题。
So you feel good. 所以你会觉得很开心。
That's right. 没错。
Conversation C 会话C
Do you do crossword puzzles? 你玩纵横填字谜吗?
Of course! Crossword puzzles keep your mind sharp. 当然!纵横填字谜可以让你保持头脑思绪敏锐。
So they exercise your brain? 所以纵横填字谜可以锻炼头脑?
Yes, and that's good. 没错,这样很好。
Crossword puzzles can improve your memory. 纵横填字谜可以改善你的记忆力。
Do crossword puzzles make you smarter? 纵横填字谜会让人变得更聪明吗?
It's likely. Some people say that. 很有可能喔。有些人这么说,
But I'm not sure. 可是我不确定。
But you're sure about one thing. 可是有一件事是可以确定的。
What's that? 什么事?
All kinds of puzzles are fun! 各种解谜游戏都很好玩!