【大家说英语】 第235期:爱抱怨的朋友(在线收听

 Lesson 12 Talk About It 第十二课 主题讨论

August 28 8月28日
The Complaining Friend 爱抱怨的朋友
"Life isn't fair!" Mary was complaining again. “人生不公平!”玛丽又在抱怨了,
This time it was about her brother. 这一次她抱怨的对象是她的弟弟。
"He's the youngest in the family. “他是家里年纪最小的,
And he always gets what he wants!" 总是要什么就有什么!”
She often complained to her friend Laura. 她经常向她的朋友劳拉抱怨。
"Don't let it bother you so much. “不要一直把那件事放在心上,
Are we still going shopping tomorrow?" Laura asked Mary. 我们明天还要去买东西吗?”劳拉问玛丽,
But Mary was thinking about something else. 可是玛丽在想着别的事情。
"What? Sure. Let's meet at the mall." “什么?当然要, 我们在购物中心见吧。”
Laura was looking forward to their mall trip all week. 劳拉期待到购物中心去已经期待了一整个星期。
But Mary's mood did not improve the next day. 可是玛丽的心情在第二天并没有好转。
When they got to the mall, Mary started complaining. 她们抵达购物中心后,玛丽就开始抱怨,
"This world can be so cruel," Mary said. “这个世界真是残忍,”玛丽说,
"Why do these shoes cost so much?" “这些鞋子为什么卖这么贵?”
Laura tried to change the topic. 劳拉试着改变话题。
"Forget about it, Mary. “算了,别想了,玛丽,
At least we're spending time together! 至少我们还能够一起相处呀!
Let's get some tea on the third floor." 我们到三楼去喝茶吧。”
When they got to the tea shop, Mary started complaining again. 她们到了茶馆之后,玛丽又开始抱怨起来,
"It's too crowded here, and they don't have the flavor I want." “这里人太多了,而且他们也没有我想喝的口味。”
Laura and Mary were good friends. 劳拉和玛丽是好朋友,
They always ate lunch together at school and talked on the phone every night. 他们在学校总是一起吃午餐,每晚也都会通电话聊天。
But Mary was always so negative. It did not matter where they were or what they did. 可是不管她们在哪里或者做什么,玛丽总是那么负面,
What should Laura do? 劳拉该怎么办?
What would you do? 你会怎么做?