【大家说英语】 第238期:文具用品(2)(在线收听

 September 2 9月2日

Read it! 读读看!
Alex and Abby go to buy office supplies. 亚力克斯和雅碧去买办公室文具。
Abby's list is long. 雅碧的购物清单很长,
They need glue. 他们需要胶水,
They also need notepads and paper for the copy machine. 也需要便条簿和复印机的纸。
Alex will put them in the cart. 亚力克斯会把这些东西放在推车里,
Boxes of paper are heavy. 一箱箱的纸很重。
Grace also did some shopping. 葛蕾丝也去购物,
She bought all her supplies and textbooks. 她买了她需要的所有文具用品和课本。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Abby? 雅碧,妳在做什么?
I'm checking the office supplies. 我在检查办公室文具,
I need to go to the office supply store. 我需要去文具用品店。
We need printer paper. 我们需要打印纸。
I know. We also need rubber bands. 我知道。我们也需要橡皮筋,
And we need more of those big yellow notepads. 还需要更多那种黄色的大便条簿。
I know. We use a lot of them. 是啊,便条簿的用量很大。
Do we need paper for the copy machine, too? 我们是不是也需要影印纸?
Yes! I almost forgot about that! 没错!我差点忘了!
Conversation B 会话B
Thanks for coming with me, Alex. 亚力克斯,谢谢你和我一起来。
You're welcome, Abby. 不客气,雅碧,
What's on your list? 妳的清单上有哪些东西?
We need printer paper and copy machine paper. 我们需要打印纸和影印纸。
I'll get those and put them in the cart. 我去拿,然后把纸放在推车里,
Boxes of paper are heavy. 因为一箱箱的纸很重。
We also need large and small envelopes. 我们也需要大信封和小信封,
We need rubber bands, big yellow notepads and some glue, too. 还需要橡皮筋、黄色便条簿和一些胶水。
You do have a long list! 妳的清单可真长呢!
Conversation C 会话C
Did you finish shopping for school, Grace? 葛蕾丝,妳上学需要的东西都买好了吗?
Yes. I bought all my textbooks yesterday. 买好了,我昨天买了所有的课本。
That's good. 那很好啊。
They were expensive! 课本好贵!
Each book cost more than $80! 每一本的价格都超过八十美元!
Wow. You spent a lot of money on books. 哇,妳花了好多钱买书。
I spent a lot on supplies, too. 我也花了很多钱买文具用品,
I don't have any money left. 我已经没剩什么钱了。
Then you may need to keep working here! 那妳可能必须继续在这里工作!
I may! We'll see after I get my school schedule! 我说不定会!等我拿到课表之后再看看吧!