【大家说英语】 第239期:学跆拳道!(在线收听

 Lesson 2 Sports 第二课 运动

September 3 9月3日
Let's Learn Taekwondo! 学跆拳道!
Read it! 读读看!
Tyler teaches taekwondo. 泰勒教导跆拳道,
He tells Rob about the sport. 他向罗柏介绍这门运动。
It is used only for defense. 这种运动只用于防卫,
It is not for attacking people. 而不是用来攻击别人。
Tyler's students stretch at the beginning of class. 泰勒的学生在课堂一开始都会先做伸展动作,
They also train hard and must learn each move correctly. 他们也努力训练,而且必须正确学习每个动作。
Students learn discipline, too. 学生也要学习纪律,
Rob and Tyler bow at the end of the interview. 罗柏与泰勒在访谈结束后互相鞠躬。
Conversation A 会话A
Today we have a special guest. 今天我们有一位特别来宾,
His name is Tyler Taekwondo. Welcome! 他是泰勒.跆拳道先生。欢迎!
Thank you, Rob. I am glad to be here. 谢谢你,罗柏, 我很高兴能够到这里来。
Tyler, you teach taekwondo. 泰勒,你教导跆拳道。
Can you show us some moves today? 你今天可以向我们示范一些动作吗?
Well, let's talk first. Taekwondo is only for defense. 这个嘛,我们先来谈谈好了。跆拳道只供防卫用。
Oh, so taekwondo is not for attacking. 哦,所以跆拳道不是用来攻击的。
Right. 没错。
Can you tell us about your students? How do they train? 你可以跟我们谈谈你的学生吗?他们是怎么训练的?
Conversation B 会话B
Students must stretch at the beginning of each class. 学生在每堂课一开始都必须做伸展动作,
Then they practice their moves. 然后再练习各种动作。
When you say moves, do you mean different kicks and hits? 你说的各种动作,是指不同的踢腿和击打动作吗?
That's right, Rob. Learning different moves can be fun! 没错,罗柏。学习不同的动作可以是很好玩的事情!
But students also learn discipline. 可是学生也要学习纪律。
How do they learn discipline, Tyler? 泰勒,他们怎么学习纪律呢?
My students must learn a move correctly. 我的学生必须先把一个动作学正确,
Then they can learn new moves. 才能再学新的动作。
Conversation C 会话C
How do your students learn a new move? 你的学生怎么学新动作?
First, I show them the new move. 首先,我会示范给他们看,
Then they do it after me. 接着他们再跟着做。
Can you teach me something here on the show? 你可以在节目上教我一点吗?
Sure, bowing is the first move students learn. 没问题。鞠躬是学生学习的第一个动作,
I can show you. 我可以示范给你看。
Put your arms at your sides and bow! 把双臂垂在身侧,然后鞠躬!
I can do that! Thanks, Tyler! 这我会做!泰勒,谢了!