【大家说英语】 第242期:好用的应用程序!(2)(在线收听

 September 8 9月8日

Read it! 读读看!
Rob has the notes from yesterday's meeting in an app. 罗柏把昨天开会的笔记存在一个应用程序里。
He took a photo. 他拍了一张照片,
He added it to the notes. 加入笔记当中。
He can email the notes to Alex. 他可以把笔记用电子邮件寄给亚力克斯。
The app helps Rob stay organized. 这个应用程序协助罗柏把一切都整理得井然有序,
Maybe Alex should download the app, too! 说不定亚力克斯也该去下载那个应用程序!
Susie received an email from a fan. 苏希收到了粉丝寄来的一封电子邮件,
But she doesn't understand it! 可是她看不懂!
It's in Spanish. 那封信是用西班牙文写的,
She can use an app to translate the email. 她可以利用应用程序翻译那封电子邮件。
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Rob. Do you have the notes from the meeting yesterday? 嘿,罗柏,你有昨天开会的笔记吗?
I do, Alex! 有啊,亚力克斯!
Let me find them. 我找给你。
The notes are in your phone? 笔记在你的手机里?
Yes and no. They're in an app. 是也不是, 笔记是在一个应用程序里。
Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
I can use the app on my phone or the computer. 我可以在手机或计算机上使用这个应用程序。
So you can see the notes on your computer and phone? 这样你就可以在计算机和手机上看到笔记?
Yes! So I can stay organized. 没错!这样我就可以把一切都整理得井然有序。
Conversation B 会话B
Maybe I should download that app, too! 说不定我也该下载那个应用程序!
You should! You can also add photos to your notes. 你应该要的!你还可以在笔记里加入照片。
Really? 真的吗?
Yeah. I took a photo during the meeting yesterday. 是啊。我昨天开会的时候拍了一张照片,
I added it to my notes. See? 加进了我的笔记里。看到了没?
Cool! 酷耶!
I can send you the notes right now. 我现在就可以把笔记寄给你。
But I don't have the app yet. 可是我还没有那个应用程序。
That's OK. I can email the notes to you. 没关系, 我可以用电子邮件寄给你。
Great. Thank you! 太棒了,谢谢!
Conversation C 会话C
What's wrong, Susie? 苏希,怎么了?
A fan sent me an email in Spanish. 一个粉丝用西班牙文写了一封电子邮件给我,
But I don't understand it. 可是我看不懂。
Some apps can translate emails. 有些应用程序可以翻译电子邮件,
Maybe you should try one. 也许妳应该试试看。
That's a great idea. Then I can answer the email. 这主意真棒, 这样我就可以回信了。
Yeah! You can write your answer in English. 没错!你可以用英文回信,
The app will translate it for you, too. 应用程序也可以帮妳翻译。
I'll do that. Thanks for your help, Taylor! 我会这么做的, 泰乐,谢谢妳的帮忙!
You're welcome! 不客气!