【大家说英语】 第245期:经典古董车(在线收听

 Lesson 5 eReport 第五课 英文札记

September 11 9月11日
Who Likes Classic Cars? 谁爱经典古董车?
Some people collect classic cars. 有些人收集经典古董车。
A classic car is one that is more than 25 years old. 古董车是历史超过二十五年的车辆。
One kind of classic American car is the muscle car. 肌肉车是美国特有的一种经典古董车,
Their engines are designed so the cars can go really fast. 这种车的引擎特别为了高速行驶而设计。
But there is one problem with collecting old cars. 不过,收集老爷车有个问题,
It's hard to find parts for them. 老爷车的零件很难找。
But Musclecar GT in Qionglin, Taiwan, has solved that problem. 不过,台湾新竹县芎林乡的合擎公司解决了这个问题,
They make parts for classic cars. 他们制造这些经典古董车的零件。
The owner of the Musclecar GT factory is Mr. Hsiu-hsien Lo. 合擎公司的制造厂老板是罗修贤先生。
Mr. Lo knew many people loved classic cars. 罗先生认识许多热爱经典古董车的人,
He also knew people needed parts for them. 也知道许多人需要经典古董车的零件。
So he studied old cars. 于是,他研究了老爷车,
Then he started a factory to make classic car parts. 然后成立一家工厂,制造经典古董车零件。
Before the Musclecar GT factory started making parts, people couldn't buy some of the car parts they needed. 在合擎公司开始制造零件之前,老爷车收集者所需要的零件有些是买不到的。
Now parts are available again, and people from around the world pay a lot of money for them. 现在,那些零件又可以买得到了,于是世界各地的爱车者都愿意付高价购买。
How does the factory make these parts? 合擎公司如何制造那些零件呢?
First the workers study a sample of an old car. 工作人员首先研究一辆老爷车的样品。
They look at all the parts and see how they can make them again. 他们检视所有的零件,看看他们如何能够复制那些零件。
Then they carefully create a mold for each different car part. 然后,再为每个不同的汽车零件精心打造模具。
The Musclecar GT factory has made over 100,000 different car parts for over 60 different types of cars from around the world. 合擎公司已为世界各地超过六十种不同款式的车制造超过十万件以上的各式零件。
The Musclecar GT factory has given old cars new life! 合擎公司为经典古董车赋予了新生命!