【大家说英语】 第246期:迎接秋天(在线收听

 Lesson 6 Activities 第六课 活动

September 14 9月14日
I'm Ready for Fall! 迎接秋天!
Read it! 读读看!
Autumn is coming! 秋季就要来了!
Fall is Taylor's favorite season. 秋天是泰乐最喜欢的季节。
Alex is excited. 亚力克斯很兴奋,
This is his first fall in America. 这是他在美国度过的第一个秋天。
He can experience the bright autumn colors. 他可以体验鲜艳的秋季色彩。
He can watch geese fly south for the winter. 他可以观看大雁飞往南方过冬。
Abby is going to Washington, D.C. 雅碧要去华府,
She invites Alex to come. 她邀请亚力克斯一起去。
They can have fun on their road trip! 他们在这场公路之旅上可以玩得很开心!
Conversation A 会话A
Autumn is coming! Do you like fall, Taylor? 秋季要来了!泰乐,妳喜欢秋天吗?
I do, Susie! Fall is my favorite season. 苏希,我喜欢!秋天是我最喜欢的季节。
The weather is getting cooler. 天气转凉了,
Soon we can wear jackets again. 我们很快就可以再穿上夹克了。
That is good news! 这真是好消息!
I like summer. But the hot weather can last too long. 我喜欢夏天, 可是炎热的天气实在持续太久了。
I know. I like summer, too. But I also like jackets. 是啊,我也喜欢夏天, 可是我也喜欢穿夹克。
I'm ready for fall! 我准备好要迎接秋天了!
Conversation B 会话B
Alex, are you excited for your first fall in America? 亚力克斯,你对你在美国度过的第一个秋天感到兴奋吗?
Yes! I can see the autumn colors. 是啊!我可以欣赏这里秋季的色彩,
And I can see geese fly south for the winter! 也可以观看大雁飞往南方过冬!
Do you know a good place to see all that? 你知道哪里是欣赏这些景象的好地方吗?
Washington, D.C.! 华盛顿
I'm driving there this weekend. 我这个周末要开车去那里。
Cool! Are you visiting your family? 酷!妳是要去探望家人吗?
Yes! Do you want to come with me? 没错!你要和我一起去吗?
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Alex! So you're going to Washington, D.C.! 嗨,亚力克斯!你要去华府了!
Yes. I'm so excited. I can't wait! 是啊,我好兴奋喔。我等不及了!
What a fun road trip! 真是一场有趣的公路之旅!
You can see lots of trees with bright colors on the way. 你沿路上可以看到许多色彩鲜艳的树木。
Yes! I plan to take lots and lots of pictures! 是啊!我打算拍很多很多照片!
Have fun. Remember to take a jacket. 希望你玩得开心。别忘了带一件夹克,
The weather can be cold there! 那里的天气可能会很冷!