【大家说英语】 第247期:迎接秋天(2)(在线收听

 September 15 9月15日

Read it! 读读看!
Abby and Alex enjoy their road trip. 雅碧和亚力克斯在他们的公路之旅上玩得很开心。
They spend a lot of time outdoors. 他们在户外待了许多时间,
They pick apples and go to a corn maze. 不但去摘苹果,还去走了个玉米田迷宫。
Alex is very curious about fall in the United States. 亚力克斯对于美国的秋天非常好奇。
Abby enjoys the colors, but she is used to the sights. 雅碧喜欢秋天的色彩,但她对那些景色已经习以为常。
Alex shows Taylor his pictures from the trip. 亚力克斯把他在旅程上拍的照片拿给泰乐看,
Look at those golden trees! 看看那些金黄色的树木!
Fall leaves are so colorful! 秋季的树叶真是色彩缤纷!
Conversation A 会话A
Look at the trees! The leaves are so colorful! 看看那些树!这些树叶真是色彩缤纷!
They are beautiful. 确实很美。
I like to come here in autumn and see the monuments. 我喜欢在秋天来这里参观纪念碑。
I heard about fall colors in America. 我听说过美国美丽的秋季色彩,
But seeing them is even better! 可是亲眼看到比听说的更美!
I'm glad, Alex. 亚力克斯,我很高兴听你这么说。
I'm used to these sights. But they are new to you. 我对这些景色已经习以为常了, 可是对你而言是新的体验。
Yeah. This is a really special experience! 是啊,这的确是个很特别的经验!
I won't forget it. 我不会忘记的。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you have a good trip to Washington, D.C., Abby? 雅碧,妳的华府之旅玩得开心吗?
I did. Alex had a great time, too. 很开心。亚力克斯也玩得非常开心。
He loved the monuments and the fall colors. 他很喜欢那些纪念碑还有秋季的美丽色彩。
Did he take a lot of photos? 他拍了很多照片吗?
Yes. He took hundreds of photos! 是啊,他拍了好几百张照片!
Most trees don't change color in Taipei. 台北的树木大部分都不会改变颜色,
So he must be curious about autumn in America. 所以他一定对美国的秋季充满好奇。
He really enjoyed the trip! 他很喜欢这趟旅程!
We spent a lot of time outdoors. 我们在户外待了许多时间。
Conversation C 会话C
That's a nice photo, Alex. 这张照片真漂亮,亚力克斯,
Look at those golden trees! 看看那些金黄色的树木!
Thanks. The trees by the monuments were so colorful. 谢谢。纪念碑旁边的树木色彩很缤纷。
What outdoor activities did you do? 你们做了哪些户外活动?
We picked apples in the country. 我们到乡下摘苹果,
And we went to a corn maze. 还去了一个玉米田迷宫。
Really? What did you think of it? 真的吗?你觉得怎么样?
I got lost for a long time. 我在里面走迷了好久。
But when I found my way out, I loved it! 可是我找到路走出来之后,觉得好好玩!