【大家说英语】 第248期:修理东西(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Home 第八课 居家

September 17 9月17日
Fix That! 修东西!
Read it! 读读看!
Phil Fixit can fix things. 菲尔.修理先生能够修理物品。
He's not a professional. 他不是专业技工,
He just enjoys fixing things. 只是喜欢修理东西而已。
He paints things, too. 他也会为物品上漆,
But he's careful not to spill any paint! 可是他会小心,不把漆洒出来!
His favorite things to fix are noisy windows and doors. 他最喜欢修理的东西是会发出吵杂声响的窗户和门。
But Phil cannot fix everything. 不过,菲尔不是什么东西都会修理。
Phil calls a professional for plumbing problems. 遇到水管问题,他还是会找专业人士来处理。
If he doesn't, he might flood his house! 他要是自己修,说不定会导致全家淹水!
Conversation A 会话A
Hello, Phil Fixit. Welcome to our show! 哈啰,菲尔.修理先生,欢迎来到我们的节目!
Thank you, Rob. I'm glad to be here. 谢谢你,罗柏,我很高兴能够来。
Phil, you fix a lot of things. 菲尔,你修理许多东西。
Yes, I do. I enjoy fixing things. 没错,我喜欢修理东西,
But I'm not a professional. 可是我不是专业技工喔。
What kinds of things do you fix? 你都修理什么样的东西?
I do all kinds of repairs. I also paint things. 我会做各种修理工作,也会帮忙上漆。
Is painting hard? 油漆很难吗?
It's not hard. But don't spill any paint! 不难,可是别把漆洒出去哟!
Conversation B 会话B
How did you learn to do so many things? 你是怎么学会做这么多事情的?
I read books and searched the Internet. 我看书,也上网搜寻。
If you can follow directions, you can fix things. 只要懂得照指示做,你也能够修理东西。
I can't. I'm not good with tools. 我没办法,我不太会使用工具。
You just need more practice with them! 你只是需要多练习而已!
Maybe! So Phil, what is your favorite thing to fix? 也许吧!那么,菲尔,你最喜欢修理的东西是什么?
I like fixing windows and doors. 我喜欢修理窗户和门。
When they are noisy, I make them quiet! 窗户和门如果会发出吵杂的声响,我就会修理让它们静悄悄!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you fix everything? 你什么都会修吗?
No. I can fix some things, but professionals should fix other things. 不会。我会修一些东西,可是另外有些东西需要交给专业人员修。
Like what? 例如什么?
Well, like plumbing. 嗯,例如水管呀。
If you don't do it right, you might flood your house. 要是方法不对,自己修理可能会导致家里淹水。
Right. Cleaning up after a flood is a lot of work. 没错,淹水后的清理工作可得花上许多工夫。
Also, you need expensive tools for some jobs. 还有,有些工作需要用上昂贵的工具,
Hire someone to do those. 这类工作就雇人来做吧。
Yes. That is cheaper than buying the tools! 没错,雇人来修比买那些工具便宜!