【大家说英语】 第250期:美味面包篮(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Around Town 第九课 城镇地标

September 21 9月21日
The Bread Basket 美味面包篮
Read it! 读读看!
The bakery has new owners. 烘焙坊换了新老板,
The bakery is called The Bread Basket. 现在那家烘焙坊的店名叫做"美味面包篮"。
They have free slices of bread today. 他们今天赠送免费吐司。
They bake muffins, cakes and cupcakes, too. 他们也做玛芬松糕、蛋糕和杯子蛋糕,
They also have bagels. 还有贝果,
Their cookies are also really good. 而且他们的饼干也很好吃。
All their baked goods are delicious! 他们做的烘焙食品都很美味!
That's good! Susie is hungry! 真棒!因为苏希饿了!
Conversation A 会话A
Let's take a break, Susie. It's 3 p. m. 我们休息一下吧,苏希,已经下午三点了。
OK. I'm hungry. I need a snack. 好,我饿了, 我需要吃个点心。
Great! Let's go to The Bread Basket. 太好了!我们去"美味面包篮"烘焙坊吧。
That old bakery? 那家老烘焙坊吗?
Why? Their bread is terrible! 为什么?他们的面包难吃死了!
The bakery has new owners. 那家烘焙坊换了新老板,
They have free slices of bread today. 他们今天赠送免费吐司。
Free slices of bread? 免费吐司?
OK, let's go! 好,我们走吧!
Conversation B 会话B
The Bread Basket has new owners. "美味面包篮"
Did you know that, Abby? 烘焙坊换了新老板, 雅碧,妳知道吗?
No, I didn't. Did you try any of their bread? 我不知道。妳试吃过他们的面包吗?
Yes, I did. It's really good! 吃过,很好吃!
They bake other things, too. 他们也做其他东西。
What else do they bake? 他们还做什么东西?
They bake cakes, cupcakes and muffins. 他们也烤蛋糕、杯子蛋糕和玛芬松糕,
They also have bagels. 而且还有贝果。
Are their muffins good? 他们的玛芬松糕好吃吗?
Yes. Everything is fresh and delicious! 好吃,每样东西都新鲜又美味!
Conversation C 会话C
Hi, Rob. Do you want a cookie? 嗨,罗柏,你要吃饼干吗?
Sure, thanks, Alex. 好啊,亚力克斯,谢了。
Where did you get the cookies? 你这些饼干是哪里来的?
I got them at The Bread Basket. 我去"美味面包篮"烘焙坊买的,
New people own the bakery. 那家烘焙坊换了新老板。
Really! Maybe I can stop there after work. 真的!说不定我下班后可以顺道经过那里,
I need some bread. 我需要一些面包。
Good idea. All their baked goods are really fresh. 好主意。他们的烘焙食品都很新鲜。
Great! I love fresh bread! 太好了!我最爱新鲜面包了!