【大家说英语】 第251期:美味面包篮(2)(在线收听

 September 22 9月22日

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Everyone likes The Bread Basket now. 现在大家都很喜欢“美味面包篮”烘焙坊。
Alex bought rolls there yesterday. 亚力克斯昨天在那里买了小餐包;
Susie bought a loaf of bread. 苏希买了一条面包;
Taylor likes their bagels. 泰乐喜欢他们的贝果。
The bakery doesn't sell doughnuts, but they do sell croissants. 那家面包店不卖甜甜圈,但是有可颂面包。
They also sell many pastries. 他们也卖许多糕饼,
And they will begin baking pies next week. 而且下星期还会开始烤派。
Conversation A 会话A
Did you buy anything at The Bread Basket yet, Alex? 亚力克斯,你有没有到“美味面包篮”烘焙坊买过东西?
Yes. I bought some cookies and rolls yesterday. 有啊,我昨天买了些饼干和小餐包。
I had a free slice of bread. 我吃了免费的吐司,
And I bought a loaf of bread after work. 下班后还买了一条面包。
Everything at the bakery is good now. 现在那家面包店卖的所有东西都很好吃。
Yes. I plan to try everything. 是啊,我打算什么都尝尝看,
Their croissants look really good. 他们的可颂面包看起来很美味。
Yes, they do. 没错,
Maybe I'll get some of those for lunch! 说不定我会去买一些可颂面包当午餐!
Conversation B 会话B
The Bread Basket doesn't sell doughnuts. “美味面包篮”烘焙坊没卖甜甜圈,
That's too bad. 真是太可惜了。
That's OK. 没关系,
Several places in town have good doughnuts. 城里有不少地方都有卖好吃的甜甜圈,
But few places sell fresh bread! 可是很少找得到新鲜的面包!
True. The Bread Basket bakes bread every day. 这倒是真的。“美味面包篮”烘焙坊每天都会烤面包,
I can smell it when I walk by the store. 我走过那家店的时候都会闻到香味。
I know! And did you see their sign? 是啊!妳有看到他们的告示吗?
They will begin baking pies next week. 他们下星期要开始烤派了。
We'll have to try those, too! 我们一定也要尝尝看!
Conversation C 会话C
Mmm, this bagel is so good. 嗯,这贝果真好吃。
I got it at The Bread Basket. 这是我在“美味面包篮”烘焙坊买的。
You get something there every day. 妳现在每天都去那里买东西。
I do. I stop there on my way to work. 没错,我上班途中都会顺道过去。
Do you always get a bagel? 妳每次都买贝果吗?
Usually. But sometimes I get a muffin or a croissant. 通常会,可是有时候我也会买玛芬松糕或可颂面包。
Or a cupcake? 或是杯子蛋糕吗?
Or some kind of pastry. 或者一些糕饼什么的。
I should stop there less often or I'll get fat! 我应该少去那里一点,不然我会发胖的!