【大家说英语】 第253期:我该穿什么呢?(2)(在线收听

 September 24 9月24日

Read it! 读读看!
Today is the special lunch with the governor. 今天是和州长共进特别午餐的日子。
Alex is wearing new clothes! 亚力克斯穿了新衣服!
Rob helped him pick them out. 是罗柏帮他挑选的。
The lunch was very formal. 午餐会非常正式,
All the men wore suits. 所有男士都穿西装,
All the woman wore nice outfits. 所有女士都穿漂亮的正式服装。
But one reporter from Chicago wore a T-shirt, vest and jeans! 不过,一名来自芝加哥的记者穿了T恤、背心和牛仔裤!
He was so embarrassed. 他觉得好尴尬。
Alex is glad he didn't wear jeans to the lunch! 亚力克斯很高兴他没有穿牛仔裤去参加那场午宴!
Conversation A 会话A
Nice shirt, Alex. 亚力克斯,衬衫很好看喔。
Thank you, Abby. 雅碧,谢谢妳的称赞。
Are those new clothes? 你穿的是新衣服吗?
Yes. I just bought them yesterday. 是啊,我昨天刚买的。
Did you pick them out yourself? 是你自己挑的吗?
No. Rob helped me. 不是,罗柏帮了我。
I wanted to wear jeans. 我本来想穿牛仔裤。
You can't wear jeans to lunch with the governor! 你不能穿牛仔裤去参加州长的午宴!
I know. Rob and Susie told me the same thing. 是啊,罗柏和苏希也这么告诉我。
I'm glad you listened to them! 我很高兴你听了他们的话!
Me, too. 我也是。
Conversation B 会话B
How was the lunch yesterday? 昨天的午宴怎么样?
It was great! 很棒!
Yes. We really enjoyed it. 没错,我们都很开心。
The governor was really nice. 州长很亲切,
And I'm glad I wore a tie! 而且我很高兴我打了领带!
What do you mean? 你这话是什么意思?
All the men at the lunch wore suits! 在午餐会上,所有男士都穿了西装!
So the lunch was very formal. 所以那场午宴非常正式。
Yes! All the women wore nice outfits, too! 没错!所有女士也都穿了美丽又正式的套装!
Everyone looked really nice. 大家看起来都很优雅。
Well, everyone except one reporter from Chicago. 呃,除了一个来自芝加哥的记者之外。
Conversation C 会话C
What did he wear? 他穿了什么?
He wore a T-shirt and vest. 他穿了T恤和背心,
He also wore jeans! 还穿了牛仔裤!
He was very embarrassed. 他很尴尬。
Oh, no. 糟糕。
Well, sometimes it can be hard to choose the right clothes. 唉,有时候要挑选适当的服装很不容易。
He did add a jacket to the outfit later. 他后来套上了一件西装外套。
That's good. 那就好。
Thank you for helping me with my clothes, Rob. 谢谢你帮我挑衣服,罗柏,
I'm glad I didn't wear jeans and a T-shirt. 我很高兴我没有穿牛仔裤和T恤。
You're welcome! 不客气!