【大家说英语】 第256期:下国际象棋(在线收听

 Lesson 13 Hobbies 第十三课 嗜好

September 29 9月29日
Checkers, Chess and Checkmate 下棋乐
Read it! 读读看!
Taylor has a chess set! 泰乐有一副西洋棋!
Her grandpa gave it to her. 是她的祖父送她的。
She can't play yet. She's still a beginner. 她还不会玩, 还只是初学者而已。
But Alex is going to teach her. 不过,亚力克斯要教她。
She's a fast learner! 她学得很快!
Her set is missing a king piece, but Rob can find her another one. 她那副棋少了那颗国王棋子,可是罗柏可以帮她另外找一个。
Then Rob and Alex can borrow Taylor's set and play! 这么一来,罗柏和亚力克斯就可以把泰乐的那副棋借来玩了!
Conversation A 会话A
What's that, Taylor? 泰乐,那是什么呀?
Hi, Abby! It's a chess set. 嗨,雅碧!这是一副西洋棋。
It's really cool! Do you play chess? 真酷!妳会下西洋棋吗?
No, I'm still a beginner. But Alex is going to teach me! 不会,我还只是初学而已, 可是亚力克斯要教我!
Oh. Where did you get that chess set? 哦。妳那副棋是哪儿来的?
My dad's father bought it a long time ago. 这是我祖父在很久以前买的。
So the set is really special to you. 所以这副棋对妳而言具有非常特别的意义。
Yes, it is! 是啊!
Conversation B 会话B
Did you see Taylor's chess set? 妳有看到泰乐的那副西洋棋吗?
Oh yes! I saw it. Is it new? 有!我看到了, 是新的吗?
No. It's her grandpa's set. He gave it to her. 不是,那副棋是她祖父的, 是他送她的。
That's great. So it's really special! 真好, 所以那副棋具有非常特别的意义。
Yes. But the set is missing a king. 没错,可是那副棋少了一个国王棋子。
Maybe she can find another king. 说不定她可以找另一个国王。
She probably can. 也许可以。
It won't match, but she can still use the set! 虽然不搭,但还是可以玩!
Conversation C 会话C
Did you play chess with Taylor? 你有和泰乐下棋吗?
Yes. She's a fast learner. 有,她学得很快,
But her set is missing a king. 可是她那副棋少了一个国王。
Maybe I can find or make a king piece. 说不定我可以找一个或者做一个国王棋子,
Then we can play together. 这样我们就可以一起下棋了。
Great! So you play chess, too? 太好了!所以你也会下西洋棋吗?
Yeah. I like chess, but I don't play very often. 会,我喜欢西洋棋,可是我不常玩。
Well, bring a king. 好吧,带个国王棋子过来,
Then we can borrow Taylor's set and play! 这样我们就可以借泰乐的棋组一起下棋!