【大家说英语】 第258期:海洋动物(在线收听

 Lesson 1 Nature 第一课 大自然

October 1 10月1日
Sea Animals 海洋动物
Read it! 读读看!
The aquarium is having Ocean Days next week. 水族馆下周要举办“海洋之日”。
Susie tells Rob about the special programs. 苏希向罗柏谈到其中的特别节目。
People can learn more about fish and other sea animals. 民众可以对鱼类以及其他海洋动物获得更多了解。
Rob likes dolphins. 罗柏喜欢海豚,
Maybe there is a talk about dolphins. 说不定会有关于海豚的演讲。
Alex asks about whales. 亚力克斯问及鲸鱼,
They don't live in the aquarium. They are too big. 鲸鱼不会养在水族馆里面, 因为鲸鱼太大了。
But he can see the sharks. 不过,他可以看到鲨鱼。
Conversation A 会话A
What are you doing, Susie? 苏希,妳在做什么?
Hi, Rob. I'm writing a story about the aquarium. 嗨,罗柏,我在写一篇有关水族馆的报导,
They are having Ocean Days next week. 他们下礼拜要举行“海洋之日”活动。
How are they celebrating? 他们要怎么庆祝?
They have special programs. You can win prizes, too. 他们会举办特别节目, 你还可以赢得奖品喔。
Fun! Maybe I can go. 真好玩!说不定我可以去。
I like the aquarium. I like all the colorful fish. 我喜欢水族馆, 还有各种色彩缤纷的鱼儿。
I like the sharks! 我喜欢鲨鱼!
Conversation B 会话B
Tell me more about the special programs. 再跟我说说那些特别节目。
Workers at the aquarium give special talks. 水族馆的工作人员会发表特别演讲,
People can learn more about the fish and other sea animals. 民众可以对鱼类以及其他海洋动物获得更多了解。
Is there a talk about dolphins? 有没有关于海豚的演讲?
They are such interesting animals. 海豚真是非常有趣的动物。
I'm not sure. But I can check the Ocean Days schedule. 我不确定, 不过我可以查查“海洋之日”的节目表。
Great. Thank you! 太好了,谢谢妳!
Conversation C 会话C
Thanks for coming with me, Alex. 亚力克斯,谢谢你跟我一起来。
You're welcome. I like aquariums. 不客气, 我喜欢水族馆。
Are there any whales here? 这里有鲸鱼吗?
No! Whales are too big. 没有!鲸鱼太大了。
But the aquarium has over 500 different kinds of fish. 不过,这个水族馆有超过五百种不同的鱼类。
That's a lot. 那还真多。
Are there any sharks here? 这里有鲨鱼吗?
Yes. Let's go look at them first. 有,我们先去看鲨鱼吧。
OK. I want to look at everything. 好,我什么都想看。