【大家说英语】 第259期:海洋动物(2)(在线收听

 October 2 10月2日

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Alex is hungry. 亚力克斯肚子饿了,
He can eat lunch at Charlie's Fish House. 他可以到查理海鲜屋去吃午餐。
They don't have fish tanks, but they do have great seafood. 那里没有养鱼缸,但是有非常美味的海鲜,
They have shrimp, salmon and lobster. 他们供应虾、鲑鱼和龙虾。
Abby can order a lobster salad for lunch. 雅碧可以点一份龙虾色拉当午餐,
That is today's lunch special. 那是今天的超值午餐。
Rob likes Charlie's Fish House, too. 罗柏也喜欢查理海鲜屋,
They have all-you-can-eat crab legs on Friday nights. 那里每周五晚上都会供应蟹脚吃到饱。
Conversation A 会话A
Did you enjoy the aquarium, Alex? 亚力克斯,你在水族馆玩得开心吗?
Yes, I did. But my visit made me hungry. 很开心, 可是参观水族馆让我觉得肚子很饿。
It made you hungry? Why? 参观水族馆让你觉得肚子饿?为什么?
Because I love seafood! 因为我爱吃海鲜呀!
Alex! Those fish are beautiful. 亚力克斯!那些鱼很美呢,
How can you think about eating them? 你怎么可以想要吃牠们?
Because it's lunchtime, and I'm hungry. 因为现在是午餐时间,我肚子饿了。
Do you know a good seafood restaurant? 妳知道哪里有好吃的海鲜餐厅吗?
Yes, Charlie's Fish House has great shrimp. 知道,查理海鲜屋的虾子很好吃。
Conversation B 会话B
Abby, do you like seafood? 雅碧,妳喜欢海鲜吗?
I like some kinds of seafood. 我喜欢某些海鲜,
I like salmon and shrimp. 我喜欢鲑鱼和虾。
Do you like lobster? 妳喜欢龙虾吗?
I do. But lobster is pretty expensive. 喜欢,可是龙虾很贵。
The lunch special at Charlie's Fish House is lobster salad today. 今天查理海鲜屋的超值午餐是龙虾色拉。
How much is it? 多少钱?
The lobster salad is only $12.99. 龙虾色拉只要十二块九九美元。
Really? Let's go there for lunch! 真的吗?我们去那里吃午餐吧!
Conversation C 会话C
Did you go to Charlie's Fish House for lunch, Alex? 亚力克斯,你有去查理海鲜屋吃午餐吗?
I did. The seafood was delicious. 有。那里的海鲜很好吃,
But there were no fish tanks. 不过店里没有养鱼缸。
Fish tanks? 养鱼缸?
Seafood restaurants in Taipei have fish tanks. 台北的海鲜餐厅都有养鱼缸,
You can choose your own fish. 可以让客人自己挑活鱼。
Oh, right. I forgot about that. 对喔,我忘了。
Charlie's has all-you-can-eat crab legs on Fridays. 查理海鲜屋在星期五供应蟹脚吃到饱,
Let's go next Friday. 我们下星期五去吃吧。
Sure! I love crab. 好啊!我爱吃螃蟹。