【大家说英语】 第265期:爵士音乐会(在线收听

October 13 10月13日
Read it! 读读看!
Susie is excited about the concert. 苏希对于参加音乐会深感兴奋,
They have front row tickets. 他们有前排的票。
Taylor sent a message to Susie. 泰乐发送一则简讯给苏希,
She will arrive in 30 minutes. 她会在三十分钟内抵达。
The next day, Susie and Taylor talk about the concert. 第二天,苏希和泰乐谈论那场音乐会。
Susie cheered a lot for the band. 苏希不断为那个乐团喝彩,
Susie likes them a lot. 她很喜欢他们,
She even has their latest album. 甚至还有他们最新的专辑。
The band liked the audience a lot, too. 那个乐团也很喜欢这里的观众。
Conversation A 会话A
Alex, I'm so excited! This will be a great concert. 亚力克斯,我好兴奋!这一定会是一场很棒的音乐会。
I can't wait to go inside. 我等不及要进去了,
We have front row seats. 我们的座位在前排。
There are a lot of people here. 有好多人来。
Look, there are only two more people in front of us. 看,我们前面只有两个人而已。
Good. 很好。
Taylor just sent me a message. 泰乐刚发了个简讯给我。
What did she say? 她说什么?
She is late. She will arrive in 30 minutes. 她迟到了, 她会在三十分钟后抵达。
Conversation B 会话B
That was a great concert. 那场音乐会真棒。
It was! We had really good seats. 没错!我们的座位非常好。
The program was great. 节目很棒,
The band played all my favorite songs. 乐团演奏了所有我最喜欢的歌曲。
Yes. We knew every song. 是啊,我们每一首歌都很熟,
It was great. 真是太棒了。
I bought their latest album after the concert. 我在音乐会结束后买了他们最新的专辑,
I listened to it on my way to work today. 今天上班途中我就听着那张专辑。
Me, too! 我也是!
It was so much fun to go together. 一起去听音乐会真好玩。
Conversation C 会话C
You're a big fan of the band. 妳是那个乐团的超级乐迷。
I am. I cheered really loud. 没错,我喝彩得很大声。
I did, too. 我也是。
I have all of their old albums, too. 我也有他们以前所有的专辑。
Can I borrow some from you? 我可以跟妳借几张吗?
Sure. I can bring them to work tomorrow. 没问题,我明天带过来。
Thanks. 谢了。
I want to go to their concert again. 我想再去听他们的音乐会。
Maybe they'll play here again. 说不定他们会再来这里演出,
They liked the audience a lot. 他们很喜欢这里的观众。They liked the audience a lot. 他们很喜欢这里的观众。