英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第220期:第十三章 自白(11)(在线收听

 He lifted his eyes; his expression was wistful, pleading. 他抬起眼,他的神情里充满了渴望和恳求。

"Even the strongest of us fall off the wagon, don't we?" “即使是我们中最坚强的人也会旧瘾复发,不是吗?”
"What are you asking? My permission?" “你在询问什么?我的许可吗?”
My voice was sharper than I'd intended. 我的声音比我本来计划的还要尖锐。
I tried to make my tone kinder—I could guess what his honesty must cost him. 我试图让自己的语气更友好些——我能猜得出来,他的诚实一定折磨着他。
"I mean, is there no hope, then?" How calmly I could discuss my own death! “我是指,已经没有希望了,对吧?”我居然能如此冷静地谈论自己的死亡!
"No, no!" He was instantly contrite. “不,不!”他立刻懊悔不已。
"Of course there's hope! I mean, of course I won't..." “当然有希望!,我是说,我当然不会……”
He left the sentence hanging. His eyes burned into mine. 他把那个没说完的句子晾在了一旁。他的目光灼烧着我的眼睛。
"It's different for us. “这对我们来说不一样。
Emmett... these were strangers he happened across. 艾美特……那两个只是他偶然遇到的陌生人。
It was a long time ago, and he wasn't as... practiced, as careful, as he is now." 那已经是很久以前的事了,那时他还不够……不能够像现在这样那么有经验,那么谨慎。”
He fell silent and watched me intently as I thought it through. 他陷入了沉默,专注地看着我。我思考着,然后得出了结论。
"So if we'd met... oh, in a dark alley or something..." I trailed off. “所以如果我们的初见是在……哦,在一条黑暗的小路上,或者别的什么地方……”我的声音渐渐低了下来。
"It took everything I had not to jump up in the middle of that class full of children and—" “我竭尽全力克制自己,才没有在那间坐满了孩子的教室正中间跳起来——”
He stopped abruptly, looking away. 他突兀地停下来,看向别处。
"When you walked past me, I could have ruined everything Carlisle has built for us, right then and there. “当你从我身旁走过时,我差点就要毁掉了卡莱尔为我们苦心筑造的一切,就在那一刻,就在那里。
If I hadn't been denying my thirst for the last, well, too many years, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself." 要不是我最终克制住了自己的渴望,好吧,要不是那么多年来我都克制着,我肯定无法阻止自己。”
He paused, scowling at the trees. 他停下来,阴沉着脸注视着那些树。
He glanced at me grimly, both of us remembering. "You must have thought I was possessed." 他冷酷地看了我一眼,我们都在回想着。“你那时一定认为我疯了。