英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第276期:第十七章 游戏(1)(在线收听

 It was just beginning to drizzle when Edward turned onto my street.  天刚刚开始下蒙蒙细雨时,爱德华把车开进了我家所在的街道。

Up until that moment, I'd had no doubt that he'd be staying with me while I spent a few interim hours in the real world. 直到这一刻,我才能确信无疑,自己一直和他在一起,在真实的世界里度过了一段短暂的时光。
And then I saw the black car, a weathered Ford, parked in Charlie's driveway — and heard Edward mutter something unintelligible in a low, harsh voice. 然后我看见了那辆黑色的车,那辆停在查理的车道上的,饱受风雨侵蚀的老福特——我听到爱德华在用一种低沉粗噶的声音在喃喃低语着一些莫名其妙的句子。
Leaning away from the rain under the shallow front porch, Jacob Black stood behind his father's wheelchair.  站在屋前的门廊里避雨的,是站在他父亲的轮椅旁的雅克布?布莱克。当爱德华把我的卡车停在路基上时,
Billy's face was impassive as stone as Edward parked my truck against the curb. Jacob stared down, his expression mortified. 比利的脸冷硬得像石头。雅克布垂下了头,他的神情很是苦恼。
Edward's low voice was furious. This is crossing the line. 爱德华低沉的声音有些狂暴。“这是越界的行为。”
He came to warn Charlie? I guessed, more horrified than angry. “他来警告查理?”我猜测着,与其说是愤怒,不如说是恐惧。
Edward just nodded, answering Billy's gaze through the rain with narrowed eyes. 爱德华只是点点头,眯缝起眼睛隔着雨幕回敬比利的注视。
I felt weak with relief that Charlie wasn't home yet. 我感到一种心虚的宽慰,查理还没回家。
Let me deal with this, I suggested. Edward's black glare made me anxious. “让我来处理这件事。”我提议道。爱德华阴暗的瞪视让我不安起来。
To my surprise, he agreed. That's probably best. Be careful, though. The child has no idea. 让我惊讶的是,他同意了。“这也许是最好的办法。不过,要当心。那孩子毫不知情。”
I bridled a little at the word child. Jacob is not that much younger than I am, I reminded him. 我对“孩子”这个词有点介意。“雅克布没比我小多少。”我提醒他。
He looked at me then, his anger abruptly fading. Oh, I know, he assured me with a grin. 他随即看着我,他的愤怒骤然消失了。“哦,我知道了。”他咧嘴一笑,向我保证。