英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第283期:第十七章 游戏(8)(在线收听

 That's wonderful, Jess, I said. “太棒了,杰西。”我说道。

So what did you do yesterday? Jessica challenged, still sounding bothered by my lack of attention.  “那么,你昨天做了什么?”杰西卡问道,听起来还在为我的心不在焉而恼怒着。
Or maybe she was upset because I hadn't asked for details. 或许她只是有些失落,因为我没有问起更加详细的细节。
Nothing, really. I just hung around outside to enjoy the sun. “没做什么,真的。我只是在外头晃悠,享受阳光。”
I heard Charlie's car in the garage. 我听到查理的车开进车库的声音。
Did you ever hear anything more from Edward Cullen? “你听到任何关于爱德华·卡伦的最新消息了吗?”
The front door slammed and I could hear Charlie banging around under the stairs, putting his tackle away. 前门被砰地关上了,我听到查理在楼梯底下乒乒乓乓地收拾着他的装备。
Um. I hesitated, not sure what my story was anymore. “呃嗯。”我迟疑着,不敢肯定要怎么掰我的故事。
Hi there, kiddo! Charlie called as he walked into the kitchen. I waved at him. “嗨,你在啊,孩子!”查理一边走进厨房,一边喊道。我向他招了招手。
Jess heard his voice. Oh, your dad's there. Never mind — we'll talk tomorrow. See you in Trig. 杰西听到了他的声音。“哦,你爸在啊。没关系——我们明天再聊。三角函数课上见。”
See ya, Jess. I hung up the phone. “回见,杰西。”我挂上了电话。
Hey, Dad, I said. He was scrubbing his hands in the sink. Where's the fish? “嗨,爸爸。”我说道。他在水槽里擦洗着手。“鱼在哪里?”
I put it out in the freezer. “我放进冰箱里了。”
I'll go grab a few pieces before they freeze — Billy dropped off some of Harry Clearwater's fish fry this afternoon.  “我得抢在它们被冻起来以前拿点出来——下午时比利来过,带了一点哈利?克里尔沃特的煎鱼来。”
I worked to sound enthusiastic. 我努力让自己听起来热情些。
He did? Charlie's eyes lit up. That's my favorite. “真的?”查理的眼睛发亮了。“那是我的最爱。” 
Charlie cleaned up while I got dinner ready. It didn't take long till we were sitting at the table, eating in silence.  在我准备晚餐的时候,查理动手把自己收拾干净。没过多久,我们俩就坐在了桌旁,沉默地吃着晚餐。
Charlie was enjoying his food. I was wondering desperately how to fulfill my assignment, struggling to think of a way to broach the subject. 查理很喜欢今晚的菜式。我则在拼命地想着要怎样进行自己的安排,挣扎着想要找出一种引出话题的办法。