【大家说英语】 第266期:世界各地的学校(在线收听

 Lesson 6 News 第六课 新闻

October 14 10月14日
School Around the World 世界各地的学校
All around the world, students go to school. 世界各地的学生都会到学校上学,
But their schools are not the same. 可是他们上学的方式都不尽相同。
Students in Australia go to school 200 days a year. 澳洲的学生一年上学两百天。
Their school starts in late January. 他们在一月底开学,
It ends in the middle of December. 一直到十二月中才结束。
Their school year has four terms. 他们一学年有四个学期,
Each term is nine to 11 weeks long. 每个学期都为期九到十一周。
They have two weeks of vacation between terms. 他们在每个学期之间有两周的假期,
There are usually only about 18 students in a class. 一个班级通常只有十八名学生。
The school day in Brazil lasts from 7 a. m. until noon. 在巴西,上课时间是从早上七点开始,持续到中午结束。
Students go home at noon. 学生在中午回家,
They eat lunch with their families. 和家人一起吃午餐。
Lunch is the most important meal of the day in Brazil. 在巴西,午餐是一天当中最重要的一餐。
Classes have 30 or more students. 每个班级都有三十名以上的学生,
Most students must wear a uniform. 大多数学生都必须穿制服。
In Costa Rica, school is free. 在哥斯达黎加,上学是免费的。
Students go to public school for nine years. 学生就读九年的公立学校,
They start at age 6 and end at age 15. 从六岁开始,到十五岁为止。
At age 15, students start college! 他们在十五岁就开始读大学!
The school day in France starts at 8 a. m. and ends at 4 p. m. 在法国,上课时间是从早上八点开始,到下午四点结束。
Students also go to school for half a day on Saturday. 学生在星期六也要上学半天。
But there's no school on Wednesday or Sunday. 不过,星期三和星期日都放假。
Students have a two-hour lunch break each day. 学生每天都有两个小时的午休时间。
In Kenya, the school year is divided into three terms. 在肯亚,一学年被划分为三个学期,
Each term is 13 weeks long. 每个学期为期十三周。
Students have one month of vacation between terms. 在每个学期之间,学生都有一个月的假期。
Many schools give students a free lunch. 许多学校都会为学生供应免费午餐。
What's your school like? 你的学校是什么样子?