【大家说英语】 第269期:添购新家具(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Home 第八课 居家

October 19 10月19日
Let's Shop for New Furniture 添购新家具
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Welcome to Rob's show! 欢迎收看罗柏访谈节目!
Frank is here to talk about furniture. 法兰克今天要和我们聊聊家具。
People arrange their furniture in different ways. 每个人摆放家具的方式都不一样,
Choosing new furniture is not easy. 而挑选新家具不是一件容易的事情,
It can be difficult. So people should think carefully. 可能会很困难。所以,挑选新家具时应该要仔细考虑,
They should think about the style of the furniture. 他们应该考虑家具的风格,
How does it look? 那件家具看起来怎么样?
Can it fit in the room? 适合这个屋子吗?放得下去吗?
The right furniture can make our homes much more comfortable! 适当的家具可以让我们的家变得更舒适!
Conversation A 会话A
Hello, and welcome to the show. Today our guest is Frank Furniture! 哈啰,欢迎来到我们的节目。今天,我们的来宾是法兰克.家具先生!
It's great to be here, Rob. You have nice furniture. 能到这里来真好,罗柏,你的家具很不错。
Thank you, Frank. Tell us why you love furniture so much. 法兰克,谢谢你的夸赞。请告诉我们你为什么这么热爱家具。
Think about your house without furniture. 想想你的房子里若是没有家具,
How would that feel? 那会是什么感觉?
Well, that wouldn't feel very comfortable. 这个嘛,那样会感觉不太舒适。
Right. I love to make people's homes more comfortable. 没错,我喜欢让大家的家变得更舒适。
Conversation B 会话B
What is your job? 你的工作是什么?
Do you make furniture? Do you deliver furniture? 你制作家具吗?你运送家具吗?
No. I help people choose furniture for their homes. 不是,我帮助大家为他们的家挑选家具。
So how does someone choose the right furniture? 那么,要怎么挑选适当的家具?
People should think about the style of the furniture. 大家应该要考虑家具的风格。
They should make sure the furniture can fit in the room, too. 也应该确保家具能够放得进屋子里。
Right. It should also look good in the room! 没错,而且放在屋子里也应该要显得好看!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you do anything else? 你还提供其他服务吗?
After people buy furniture, I help them arrange it! 我的客户买了家具之后,我还会帮助他们布置!
Great! So do you have any advice for us? 太好了!你有没有什么建议可以提供给我们?
Try arranging your furniture in different ways. 尝试以不同方式摆放家具,
Find what is most comfortable. 找出最舒适的方式。
If you arrange your furniture well, then the room can look bigger. 家具如果摆放得好,空间可能会显得比较宽敞。
Yes! And if you need help, you can always call me! 没错!如果需要协助,随时都可以打电话给我!