【大家说英语】 第272期:要喝杯饮料么?(2)(在线收听

 October 22 10月22日

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Alex ordered a large freshly-squeezed lemon juice. 亚力克斯点了一杯大杯的现榨柠檬汁。
It wasn't sour. 柠檬汁不酸,
It has sugar in it. 里头加了糖。
Abby tells him to call the drink lemonade. 雅碧跟他说,那种饮料叫做柠檬水。
In the Jungle Cafe, Abby is thirsty. 在丛林咖啡馆里,雅碧觉得口渴。
She orders some coffee with cream. 她点了加奶精的咖啡。
She and Grace talk about drinks. 她和葛蕾丝谈论着饮料。
Grace likes chai. 葛蕾丝喜欢印度奶茶,
But she doesn't drink soda very often. 可是她不常喝汽水。
Conversation A 会话A
What drink did you order, Alex? 亚力克斯,你点了什么饮料?
I got a large lemon juice. 我点了一杯大杯的柠檬汁,
It's freshly-squeezed. 是现榨的。
Lemon juice? 柠檬汁?
Isn't that really sour? 那不是很酸吗?
No, it has some sugar in it. 不会,里头有加糖。
Oh! Then you got lemonade, not lemon juice! 哦!那你点的是柠檬水,不是柠檬汁!
I did? Why don't you call it lemon juice? 是吗?为什么不叫柠檬汁?
You say orange juice and tomato juice. 你们不也说柳橙汁、西红柿汁吗?
Good question. I have no idea! 问得好。我不知道为什么耶!
Conversation B 会话B
Are you thirsty? 妳口渴吗?
Do you want something to drink? 想喝点什么吗?
Yes, Grace. Can I see the menu? 是的,葛蕾丝,我可以看看饮料单吗?
Sure. We have all kinds of coffee and tea drinks. 没问题,我们有各种咖啡与茶饮。
Do you want a hot or cold drink? 妳要热饮还是冷饮?
I had a cold drink this morning. 我今天早上喝过冷饮了,
I'll have hot coffee now. 现在我想来一杯热咖啡。
Do you want cream or sugar? 妳要加奶精或糖吗?
Yes. Please put cream in it. 要,请加奶精。
Conversation C 会话C
Do you drink coffee often? 妳常喝咖啡吗?
Yes. I have a cup or two every day. 嗯,我每天都会喝一两杯。
But I like other coffee drinks, too. 不过,我也喜欢其他咖啡饮品。
I like tea better than coffee. 茶和咖啡比起来,我比较喜欢茶。
I drink a lot of chai. 我喝很多印度奶茶。
How about soda? 汽水呢?
Do you drink that very often? 妳常喝汽水吗?
No, I don't drink soda often. 不会,我不常喝汽水。
It's not very good for you. 汽水对身体不好。
I know. But it does taste good sometimes! 我知道,可是有时候汽水喝起来实在很美味!