【大家说英语】 第277期:打棒球啰!(2)(在线收听

 October 30 10月30日

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Rob, Alex and Abby are playing baseball this weekend. 罗柏、亚力克斯与雅碧这个周末要去打棒球。
Alex used to play catcher. 亚力克斯以前常担任捕手,
But he can play other positions, too. 但他也可以担任其他守备位置。
Taylor isn't playing this weekend, but she used to play softball. 泰乐这个周末不去打球,可是她以前打过垒球。
She still has her old uniform. 她还留有以前的制服。
The baseball game was tough, but Rob hit a homerun! 比赛难分高下,可是罗柏居然打出了一支全垒打!
Alex leaves the gloves at the office. 亚力克斯把手套放在办公室,
Then they can practice after work! 这样他们下班后就可以练球!
Conversation A 会话A
I'm glad that you're playing in the baseball game this weekend! 我很高兴你这个周末能参加棒球赛!
Thanks, Rob. Our team is going to win! 谢了,罗柏,我们这一队一定会赢的!
What position do you want to play? 你想担任哪个守备位置?
When I played in Taiwan, I used to play catcher. 我在台湾打棒球的时候,通常都担任捕手。
Well, we already have a catcher. 呃,我们已经有一个捕手了。
Can you play first base? 你可以担任一垒手吗?
Abby would like to play, too. 雅碧也想参加,
And she is really good at playing first base. 而且她是一垒高手。
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Taylor. Do you play baseball? 嘿,泰乐,妳打棒球吗?
Well, I used to play softball when I was younger. 这个嘛,我年轻的时候打过垒球。
Were you good at it? 妳打得好吗?
I was pretty good. 我还满厉害的。
I was the pitcher on my team. 我是球队上的投手,
But the last time I played was in college. 不过我上次打球已经是大学时代的事情了。
Interesting. 真有趣。
Do you still have your old uniform from college? 妳还留着大学时的制服吗?
I do. Sometimes I even wear my old cap. 有啊,有时候我还会把当初的垒球帽拿出来戴戴呢。
Conversation C 会话C
That was a tough baseball game, wasn't it, Abby? 那真是一场难分高下的棒球赛呀,雅碧,对不对?
Yes, it was. I haven't played in a while. 是啊。我已经有一阵子没打过球了。
But we still won! 可是我们还是赢了!
Rob hit that homerun at the end of the game. 罗柏在比赛结束前打出了再见全垒打。
Yeah! I'm glad you invited me to play! 是啊!我很高兴你邀请我来打球!
Let's practice sometime this week. 我们这个礼拜再找时间练习吧。
Great idea! Let's leave the gloves at the office. 好主意!我们把手套放在办公室吧,
Then when we finish work, we can go and practice. 这样我们下班后就可以去练球。