【大家说英语】 第280期:赛跑大赛(在线收听

 Lesson 3 Sports 第三课 运动

November 5 11月5日
The Big Race 赛跑大赛
Read it! 读读看!
Abby and Alex are running in a 15-kilometer race this weekend. 雅碧和亚力克斯在这周末要参加一场十五公里的赛跑。
To train, they often go jogging after work. 为了训练,他们下班后都经常去慢跑。
Sometimes they run on a track around the park. 有时候,他们会到环绕公园的一条跑道上跑步。
But the path by the river has fewer people. 不过,河边的小径人比较少。
The race starts on a trail outside of town. 赛跑的起点在城外的一条步道,
They will finish the race on Washington Road. 而终点在华盛顿路。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Abby. 嗨,雅碧,
Are you busy after work today? 妳今天下班后有事吗?
Hi, Susie. Yes, I'm going running after work. 嗨,苏希,有啊,我下班后要去跑步。
I'm getting ready for a race this weekend. 我要为这个周末的赛跑做准备。
You are going to run in a race? 妳要参加赛跑?
How long is it? 是距离多长的赛跑?
The race is 15 kilometers long. 那场赛跑全程十五公里。
Wow! I can't run that far! 哇!我跑不了那么远!
It is a long way! 距离确实很长!
But I've trained hard for this race. I'm ready. 可是我为这场赛跑已经很努力的受训了, 我已经准备好了。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you hear about the race this weekend? 你有没有听说这周末的赛跑?
Yes, Abby and Alex are both running in it. 有啊,雅碧和亚力克斯都要去参加。
They train after work. 他们下班后都会去训练一番。
I see them jogging everywhere! 我到哪里都会看见他们在慢跑!
Where do they run? 他们在哪里跑步?
They run on a track around the park. 他们在环绕公园的一条跑道上跑步,
But they like the path by the river more. 可是他们比较喜欢河边的小径。
Yes. That path usually has less people. 也对,那条小径通常比较少人去。
The park track is crowded ─ especially on weekends! 公园的跑道人很多──尤其是在周末!
Conversation C 会话C
How is your training going, Abby? 雅碧,妳训练得怎么样啦?
My training is going well. 我的训练进展得很顺利,
I'm pretty excited about the race this weekend! 我对这周末的赛跑感到很兴奋!
You'll do great! 妳一定会表现得很棒的!
You are always training. 妳总是不停练习。
Where is the race? 赛跑在哪里举行?
It starts on the river trail outside of town. 起跑点在城外的河畔步道,
Then it finishes on Washington Road near Main Street. 终点在华盛顿路,就在缅恩街附近。
Are many people running in it? 有很多人参加吗?
Yes. Several hundred! 是啊,有几百个人吧!