【大家说英语】 第284期:该如何称呼您?(在线收听

 Lesson 5 Small Talk 第五课 闲聊

November 11 11月11日
How Do I Address You? 该如何称呼您?
Read it! 读读看!
Alex is planning Professor Lee's visit to the studio. 亚力克斯正在规划李教授到摄影棚参访的行程。
He called him Teacher Lee by mistake on the phone. 他在电话上误把他称呼为李老师。
Sometimes people address Susie the wrong way, too. 有时候,别人也会以错误的方式称呼苏希,
So she corrects them. 所以她会纠正对方。
Alex is looking at an envelope. 亚力克斯正看着一个信封,
It's addressed to Dr. Alex Lin. 那个信封上的收件人写着“亚力克斯.林医师”。
But he is not a doctor. It's very strange. 可是他不是医生, 真是很奇怪。
Conversation A 会话A
Hi, Alex. What are you doing? 嗨,亚力克斯,你在做什么?
Hi, Taylor. I am planning Professor Lee's visit to the studio. 嗨,泰乐,我在规划李教授到摄影棚参访的行程。
Oh, right. He's coming here tomorrow. 哦,对了,他明天要来。
But I'm embarrassed. 可是我很尴尬,
I called him Teacher Lee by mistake. 我一时说错,把他叫成李老师。
Oh dear. Was he upset? 唉呀,他有生气吗?
A little. He wasn't very happy. 有一点,他不太高兴。
But he's still coming to the studio. That's good. 可是他还是会来摄影棚, 这样就好。
Conversation B 会话B
Susie, do people call you Ms. or Miss? 苏希,别人都称呼妳女士还是小姐?
People call me Ms. But I like Miss better. 别人都称呼我女士, 可是我比较喜欢小姐。
So people sometimes address you the wrong way. 所以别人有时候会以错误的方式称呼妳。
Yes. But I correct them. 没错,可是我会纠正他们。
I see. 原来如此。
But I make mistakes, too. 可是我也会犯错,
I called a lady Mrs. Jones once. 我有一次把一位女士称呼为琼斯太太。
What's wrong with that? 这样有什么错?
She wasn't married. 她并没有结婚啊。
Conversation C 会话C
Alex, what are you doing? 亚力克斯,你在做什么?
I'm looking at this envelope. 我在看这个信封。
Why? Is the letter for you? 为什么?这封信是寄给你的吗?
Yes. But it's addressed to Dr. Alex Lin. 是,可是收件人写着“亚力克斯.林医师”
But you're not a doctor. 可是你不是医生啊。
I know. It's very strange. 是啊,真的很奇怪。
Who is the letter from? 那封信是谁寄的?
I'm not sure. But they don't know me very well! 我不确定, 可是他们显然不太认识我!