【大家说英语】 第285期:该如何称呼您?(2)(在线收听

 November 12 11月12日

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Titles are a polite way to address people. 称谓是称呼别人的一种礼貌。
Taylor would rather be called Ms. Jones instead of Miss Jones. 泰乐宁可别人称呼她琼斯女士,而不是琼斯小姐,
She definitely doesn't want to be called Tyler! 她绝对不想只被称呼为台乐!
Alex made a sign and name tags for Professor Lee and his staff. 亚力克斯为李教授和他的工作人员制作了一张标语和他们的名牌,
He checked them all carefully! 他全部都仔细检查了一遍!
Taylor can't wait to meet Professor Lee. 泰乐等不及要和李教授见面了。
Conversation A 会话A
Taylor, how do people address you? 泰乐,别人都怎么称呼妳?
Most people call me Miss Jones. 大多数人都称呼我琼斯小姐。
Do you like the title Ms. instead of Miss? 比起小姐,妳比较喜欢女士这个称谓吗?
Yes. So I just tell them. 没错,所以我都直接告诉他们。
People often use Miss for women that aren't married. 一般人经常以小姐称呼没有结婚的女性,
But I think Ms. is more professional. 可是我觉得女士这个称谓比较专业。
That's true. 的确。
But something else bothers me more. 可是另外一件事更让我很困扰而且不开心,
Some people call me Tyler. 有些人会叫我台乐。
Conversation B 会话B
Are you ready for Professor Lee's visit, Alex? 亚力克斯,你为李教授的参访做好准备了吗?
I hope so. 希望如此,
I made name tags for him and his staff. 我为他和他的工作人员制作了名牌。
Did you spell their names correctly? 你有没有把他们的名字拼对?
Yes. I checked them all carefully. 有,我全都仔细检查过了。
And I wrote "Professor Lee" not Teacher Lee! 我还写了「李教授」,不是李老师!
Good. He'll arrive in about 20 minutes. 很好,再过二十分钟左右他就会到了。
OK, I'll check the sign by the front door, too. 好,我也会去检查大门旁的标语,
But it should be correct. 那应该没有错。
Conversation C 会话C
Professor Lee, Thank you for visiting our studio. 李教授,谢谢您到我们的摄影棚来。
You're welcome. I'm glad to be here. 不客气, 我很高兴能够来。
Our producer can't wait to meet you. 我们的制作人已等不及要和您见面了。
Wonderful. And I'd also like a tour of your studio. 太好了,我也想参观一下你们的摄影棚。
Sure. I will show you around after your meeting. 没问题,我会在你们的会议后带您到处看看。
That's fine. But I can only stay for an hour. 好的, 可是我只能待一个小时。
OK. I'll give you a quick tour. 好,我为您安排一场简短的导览。