【大家说英语】 第286期:探索太空(在线收听

 Lesson 6 eReport 第六课 英文札记

November 13 12月13日
Exploring Space 探索太空
In the past, people could only guess at what was out in space. 过去,世人只能猜想太空中有什么东西。
People even thought the Earth was the center of the universe. 以前的人甚至认为地球是宇宙的中心。
But over the past 100 years, that has changed. 不过,在过去一百年来,这个论点已经改变了。
Scientists have invented things that let us study the universe. 科学家发明了各种器材,让我们得以研究宇宙。
Now we know that Earth is only one very small part of the universe. 现在,我们知道地球只是宇宙当中一个极小的部分而已。
The Taipei Astronomical Museum is a good place to learn about the universe. 台北天文科学教育馆是个认识宇宙的好地方。
In the space technology exhibit, people can learn about rockets and satellites. 在太空科技展区,民众可以认识火箭与人造卫星。
These have let us explore space. 这些科技让我们能够探索太空,
They have also changed our lives. 也改变了我们的生活。
People used to use paper maps when they traveled. 以前的人出外旅行都使用纸张地图,
Now they can use GPS to find places. 现在却可使用卫星导航系统(GPS)找寻地点,
GPS connects with a satellite in space. 卫星导航系统是与太空中的卫星联机,
Many of us connect with space every day, and we don't even think about it. 而我们许多人每天都与太空联机,却根本连想都没想到这一点。
If you ever dreamed of being an astronaut or visiting a space station, then you might enjoy staying at the Space Inn. 你如果梦想过成为航天员或者到太空站去,那么你也许会喜欢入住太空舱青年旅舍。
The Space Inn is a hostel, but it looks like a space station. 太空舱旅舍是一家青年旅舍,可是看起来像太空站,
The Space Inn has many things to make your stay more comfortable. 太空舱旅舍有许多设施让你的住宿体验更加舒适。
They even have an Internet Zone that really feels like it's a part of a space station. 他们甚至还有一个上网区,那里感觉起来真的就像是太空站的一部分。
The Space Inn is a fun place for travelers to stay. 太空舱青年旅舍是个充满趣味的旅客投宿地点。