【大家说英语】 第287期:晚安!(在线收听

 Lesson 7 Health 第七课 健康

November 16 11月16日
Good Night! 晚安!好好睡!
Read it! 读读看!
Taylor is tired this morning. 泰乐今天早上很累,
She had a hard time waking up. 爬不起床,
She didn't get enough sleep last night. 她昨晚睡眠不足。
When Rob is tired and needs energy, he drinks coffee. 每当罗柏感到疲累,需要提振精神,就会喝咖啡,
Coffee helps him stay wide awake. 咖啡能够帮助他保持完全清醒。
Alex is sleepy, too. 亚力克斯也很困,
He took a nap after work yesterday, so he couldn't sleep at night. 他昨天下班后小睡了一会儿,晚上却睡不着觉。
Maybe he can go biking instead of taking a nap. 与其小睡,或许他该去骑自行车运动。
Conversation A 会话A
Are you OK, Taylor? 泰乐,妳还好吗?
Good morning, Abby. 早安,雅碧,
I'm OK. But I had a hard time waking up this morning. 我没事, 可是我今天早上一直爬不起来。
Why are you so tired? 妳为什么这么累?
I don't know. 我不知道。
Did you get enough sleep last night? 妳昨晚睡得够吗?
I slept for five hours. 我睡了五个小时。
That's not enough. 这样不够吧。
I know. But I couldn't sleep. 我知道,可是我睡不着。
Maybe try reading a book. 也许妳可以试着看书,
That helps me sleep. 看书总是帮我入睡。
Conversation B 会话B
Do you want another cup of coffee, Susie? 苏希,妳还要再一杯咖啡吗?
No, thank you. This is my second cup. 不用,谢谢。这已经是我的第二杯了。
This is my third cup this morning. 这是我今天早上的第三杯咖啡。
You drink a lot of coffee. 你喝好多咖啡,
That doesn't sound healthy. 这样感觉不太健康。
I know. But I need energy in the morning to stay wide awake. 我知道,可是我今天早上需要有精神保持完全清醒。
OK. But don't drink too much coffee in the afternoon. 好吧。可是下午不要喝太多咖啡,
You won't be able to sleep at night! 否则你晚上会睡不着!
Conversation C 会话C
I'm so sleepy today. 我今天好困喔。
Why are you so tired, Alex? 亚力克斯,你为什么会这么累?
Well, I took a nap after work yesterday. 这个嘛,我昨天下班后小睡了一会儿,
Then I couldn't fall asleep until really late last night. 结果昨晚搞到很晚才睡着。
Oh. You shouldn't take naps in the late afternoon. 哦,你不该在傍晚的时候小睡。
I know. But I'm always so tired after work. 我知道,可是我下班后总是觉得很累。
Try going biking instead. 改骑自行车试试看吧,
That will wake you up. 这样可以让你提振精神。
That's a great idea. 这主意很棒。