【大家说英语】 第288期:晚安!(2)(在线收听

 November 17 11月17日

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Good sleeping habits are important for a good night's rest. 要有一夜好眠,良好的睡眠习惯是很重要的。
Here is some advice: 以下是一些建议:
Don't eat dinner too late. 晚餐不要太晚吃
A heavy dinner can make it hard to sleep. 顿丰盛的晚餐可能会让人难以入睡。
Exercise daily. 每天运动
Exercise can help lower and get rid of stress. 运动有助于降低以及消除压力。
Don't check your phone in bed. 不要在床上看手机
Your brain will stay alert. 你的大脑会因此处于警觉状态,
It will think you are still working! 以为你还在工作!
Conversation A 会话A
Welcome to the show, Ronnie. 罗尼,欢迎来到节目上。
Thank you, Rob. 罗柏,谢谢你的邀请。
You know a lot about sleep, don't you? 你对睡眠懂得很多,对不对?
Yes! I am a doctor. 没错!我是医生,
I teach people good sleeping habits. 我教导大众良好的睡眠习惯。
Can you share some tips with us? 你可以和我们分享一些要诀吗?
Yes, of course. Don't eat dinner too late. 当然可以。晚餐不要太晚吃。
OK. So don't eat a hamburger at 10 p. m. 好,所以不要晚上十点去吃汉堡。
Right. A heavy dinner can make it hard to sleep. 没错,丰盛的晚餐可能会让人难以入睡。
Conversation B 会话B
What else can people do to get a good night's sleep? 大家还可以做什么事情让自己能有一夜好眠呢?
People should exercise daily. 大家都应该每天运动。
OK. But how does exercise help people sleep better? 好,可是运动怎么会帮助人睡得更好?
Exercise helps the body get rid of stress. 运动可以帮助身体消除压力。
It is easier to sleep with less stress in the body. 体内压力比较少,就比较容易入睡。
That's right. Exercise helps your body to relax. 没错。运动可以帮助你的身体放松,
The more relaxed you are, the better you sleep. 你愈放松,就会睡得愈好。
Thank you. That's great advice. 谢谢你,这忠告真棒。
Conversation C 会话C
Here's one more very important tip. 接着还有一项非常重要的诀窍。
What? 是什么呢?
Don't look at your phone in bed. 不要在床上看手机。
So don't check your text messages. 所以不要查看简讯。
Right. Your brain is very smart. 没错。你的大脑很聪明,
To your brain, the phone means you are working. 对你的大脑来说,看手机就表示你还在工作。
Oh! So your brain will stay alert? 哦!所以你的大脑会处于警觉状态?
Exactly. And it will be hard to relax and fall asleep. 正是,这样你的大脑就会难以放松入睡。
Thanks for all those great tips. 谢谢你提供这些这么棒的要诀,
Have a great day and night! 祝你有个美好的一天和美好的一夜。