【大家说英语】 第289期:美钻失踪记(在线收听

 Lesson 8 Mystery 第八课 悬疑事件

November 18 11月18日
The Diamond 美钻失踪记
I am near the museum. 我在博物馆附近,
The museum is not open today. 今天博物馆没开放。
I hear an alarm. 突然我听到警铃声,
I go to the museum's door. 我赶到博物馆的门口,
A guard walks out. 一名警卫走了出来。
"Where are you going? “你要去哪里?
Come with me!" I say to the guard. 跟我来!”我对那名警卫说。
There is a valuable diamond in this museum. 这间博物馆内收藏一颗价值不斐的美钻,
We go to check the diamond. 我们去查看那颗钻石,
The diamond is not there. 但钻石不见了。
We look for clues. 我们找寻线索,
"Do you see anything strange?" I ask the guard. “你有没有看见什么奇怪的事情?”我问那名警卫。
"Mmmm," he says. “嗯,”他答道。
"Is he saying no?" I think. “他是说没有吗?”我心想,
But I can't understand him. 可是我不明白他的意思。
The diamond's box is open. Someone opened it. 钻石的盒子开着的, 有人打开了那个盒子。
"A thief stole a diamond in Chicago last week. “上礼拜有个窃贼在芝加哥偷了一颗钻石,
And now this diamond is gone!" I say to him. 现在这颗钻石也不见了!”我对他说。
I look at the guard. He is worried. 我看着那名警卫, 他显得很担心。
I put my hand on the guard's arm and say, 我伸手搭着那名警卫的手臂,对他说:
"Don't worry. I can solve any mystery. “别担心, 什么悬疑案件我都解决得了,
We can find this thief." 我们一定找得到这个贼的。”
But then, I notice something strange. 不过,这时我却注意到了一件奇怪的事情,
The guard's uniform says, "Museum of Chicago". 那名警卫的制服上印着“芝加哥博物馆”的字样。
I keep my hand on the guard's arm. 我继续握着那名警卫的手臂,
I put my other hand near his mouth and say, 把另一只手伸到他的嘴巴前面,说:
"Please open your mouth." “请张开嘴巴。”
The diamond is there. 那颗珍贵的钻石就在他的嘴巴里。