【大家说英语】 第290期:火车旅行(在线收听

 Lesson 9 Travel 第九课 旅行

November 19 11月19日
Train Trips 享乐火车行
Read it! 读读看!
Rob is taking a short train trip. 罗柏即将从事一趟短程的火车旅行,
It is a dinner train. 那是一列晚餐列车。
He rides on a train. 他搭乘火车,
They serve him a nice dinner. It sounds fancy! 他们为他供应一顿美味的晚餐。听起来很豪华精致!
Taylor doesn't ride trains very often. 泰乐不常搭火车,
They are not convenient. 火车不方便,
Susie agrees. 苏希同意。
Most trains are too slow. 大多数的火车都太慢了,
She usually drives to places. 她到外地通常都是开车。
Conversation A 会话A
Do you like trains, Susie? 苏希,妳喜欢火车吗?
They're OK. Why? 火车还可以啊,为什么这么问?
I'm going on a train trip. 我要去搭一趟火车旅行。
A train trip? Where are you going? When is it? 火车旅行?你要去哪里?什么时候?
Tonight. But the trip is short. 今天晚上。可是这趟旅程很短,
I'm going on a dinner train. 我要搭的是晚餐列车。
A dinner train? What's that? 晚餐列车?那是什么?
You ride on a train and have a nice dinner. 你搭乘火车,在火车上享用一顿美味的晚餐。
That sounds fun! 听起来很好玩!
Conversation B 会话B
Rob is taking a train trip. 罗柏要去一趟火车旅行。
Really? What kind of train is he taking? 真的吗?他要搭哪一种火车?
He's taking a dinner train. 他要搭乘晚餐列车。
What's that? 那是什么?
They serve you dinner on a train. 他们会在火车上为你供应晚餐,
You can also watch the scenery. 同时你也可以欣赏风景。
Wow. It sounds fancy. 哇,听起来很高档豪华。
How long is the trip? 这趟旅程有多长?
It's about three hours. 大约三个小时。
Is the food good? 餐点好吃吗?
I don't know. We can ask Rob tomorrow! 我不知道, 我们明天可以问罗柏!
Conversation C 会话C
Do you ever ride trains, Taylor? 泰乐,妳搭过火车吗?
I don't ride them often. 我不常搭火车,
They're not very convenient. 火车不太便利。
I know. Trains around here are slow. 没错,这里的火车速度都很慢,
I usually drive. 我通常都是开车。
Me, too. 我也是。
But a dinner train sounds fun. 可是晚餐列车听起来很好玩。
You can eat and watch the scenery. 妳可以一面用餐,一面欣赏风景。
Yes. And you can just enjoy the ride! 是啊,而且妳就可以享受旅程的乐趣!