【大家说英语】 第302期:遥控玩具(在线收听

 Lesson 4 Technology 第四课 科技

December 7 12月7日
Toy Cars, Helicopters and Planes! 遥控玩具!
Read it! 读读看!
Alex has a remote-controlled car. 亚力克斯有一辆遥控车,
Rob wants to drive it now, but he can't. 罗柏想要现在玩,可是不行,
Alex is charging the car's battery. 因为亚力克斯正在将车子的电池充电。
Later, Rob drives it on the carpet in the office. 一会儿之后,罗柏在办公室里玩那辆车。
Alex leaves his toy on the floor. 亚力克斯把他的玩具留在地板上没收,
Abby steps on it and almost falls! 结果害雅碧踩到,差点跌了一跤!
Sorry, Abby! 雅碧,对不起!
Alex will put it away. 亚力克斯会把玩具收好的。
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Alex! Is that a remote-controlled car? 嘿,亚力克斯!那是遥控车吗?
Yes, it is! 没错!
I got it last year. 是我去年买的。
Cool! Can we drive it now? 真酷!我们现在可以玩吗?
Not yet. I'm charging the car's battery. 还不行,我正在帮车子的电池充电。
How long do you need to charge the battery? 充电需要充多久?
Not very long. 不用太久,
It will be ready in 20 minutes. 再过二十分钟就能充饱了。
And then we can drive it? 然后我们就可以玩了吗?
Sure! 当然啦!
Conversation B 会话B
Did you enjoy driving Alex's remote-controlled car? 你玩亚力克斯的遥控车玩得开心吗?
Yes! I drove it on the carpet in the office. 很开心!我让车子在办公室的地毯上跑,
It was really fun. 实在很好玩。
It sounds fun! 听起来很好玩!
I need to buy my nephew a present. 我必须买个礼物送我侄子。
Maybe you can get him a remote-controlled car! 也许妳可以买一辆遥控车送他!
That's a great idea! 真是个好主意!
If I get him one, I'll be his favorite aunt! 我要是买遥控车送他,一定会成为他最爱的阿姨!
Can you buy me one, too? 那妳也可以买一辆送我吗?
Conversation C 会话C
Alex! Don't leave your toys on the floor in the office! 亚力克斯!不要把你的玩具丢在办公室的地板上!
Sorry. What happened? 对不起,发生了什么事?
I stepped on your car and almost fell! 我踩到你的车子,差点跌倒。
I'm so sorry, Abby! 雅碧,真对不起!
Rob and I were driving it earlier. 罗柏和我刚刚在玩这辆车,
I'll put it away. 我会把它收好的。
It's OK, Alex. 没关系,亚力克斯,
But if you play with it in the office, wait until after work. 可是如果你要在办公室里玩遥控车,要等到下班后再玩。
Don't worry! I'll always wait to play after work. 别担心!我以后都会等到下班后才玩。