【大家说英语】 第304期:神秘圣诞礼物(在线收听

 Lesson 5 Shopping 第五课 购物

December 9 12月9日
Secret Gifts 神秘圣诞礼物
Read it! 读读看!
Everyone in the office has a secret. 办公室里的每个人都有个秘密。
Everyone is buying a gift for someone else. 大家都要买个礼物要送给别人,
But they can't tell anyone about it. 可是他们不能告诉任何人,
It's a surprise. 这是个惊喜,
People give their gift at the holiday party. 大家都会在圣诞节派对上送出礼物。
Everyone is looking for the perfect gift at the mall. 每个人都在购物中心找寻最完美的礼物,
But they must keep it a secret! 可是他们必须保守秘密!
Conversation A 会话A
So, Rob, are you excited about the holiday office party? 罗柏,你对办公室圣诞派对觉得兴奋吗?
Sure. I like parties. And I really like holiday parties. 当然兴奋。我喜欢派对, 尤其是庆祝节日派对。
Me, too. Did you buy a gift yet? 我也是。你买礼物了吗?
Who is it for? 你要送给谁?
Susie! I can't tell you that. 苏希!我不能告诉妳是谁,
It's a secret! 那是秘密!
I know. 我知道。
Each of us has one name. 我们每个人都抽到了一个名字,
We buy a gift for that person. 必须买礼物送给那个人。
And we can't tell anyone! 而且我们不能告诉任何人!
Conversation B 会话B
Hey, Abby! What are you doing here? 嘿,雅碧!妳在这里做什么?
I'm shopping at the mall. 我在购物中心逛街,
I'm looking for the perfect gift. 我在找最完美的礼物。
What are you doing? 妳在做什么?
I'm looking for a gift, too. 我也在找礼物。
Did you find the perfect gift? 妳找到最完美最适合那个人的礼物了吗?
Taylor! I can't tell you! 泰乐!我不能告诉妳!
Maybe the gift is for you! 说不定我的礼物是送妳的!
Is it? 是吗?
I'm not telling you! 不告诉妳!
Now go shop somewhere else! 妳去别的地方逛啦!
Conversation C 会话C
Some people in our office aren't good with secrets. 我们办公室里有些人不太能保守秘密。
What do you mean? 怎么说?
I saw Taylor at the mall. 我在购物中心看到了泰乐,
She asked about my gift. 她问了我的礼物要给谁。
Well, people are curious about gifts. 这个嘛,大家对神秘礼物都很好奇。
But the gifts are a surprise. 可是这些礼物是惊喜,
We open them at the party. 我们在派对上才打开礼物,
And we find out who gave us the gift, too. 也在那时才能知道是谁送给我们的。
But some people don't want to wait. 可是有些人不想等。