【大家说英语】 第305期:神秘圣诞礼物(2)(在线收听

 December 10 12月10日

Read it! 读读看!
Rob isn't having any luck finding a gift. 罗柏找礼物找得很不顺利,
He is still shopping. 他还在逛。
Taylor already bought her Secret Santa gift. 泰乐已经买好她的神秘圣诞老公公礼物。
Susie bought a gift card. 苏希买了一张礼券,
She'll put it in a big box and wrap it. 她会把礼券放进一个大盒子,然后用包装纸包起来。
Rob went to the bag store, music store, calendar store and even the department store. 罗柏去了背包店、音乐行、月历商店,甚至是百货公司。
He finally found a gift! 他终于找到了一件礼物!
Did he buy a candle or purse? 他买了蜡烛还是皮包?
Conversation A 会话A
Hey, Alex. 嘿,亚力克斯。
Oh, hi, Rob! 哦,嗨,罗柏!
Are you having any luck finding a gift? 你找礼物顺不顺利?
Some. What about you? 还可以,你呢?
No. I don't know my person very well. 不顺利。我对我的送礼对象不太熟。
What things does she like? 她喜欢什么东西?
I don't really know. 我实在不清楚。
Ah-ha! You have a "she"! 啊哈!你送礼的对象是女生!
Oops! I didn't mean to tell. 糟糕!我不是故意要说出来的。
Girls like candles and purses. 女生喜欢蜡烛和皮包,
Get her one of those. 买这两种东西的其中一种就对了。
That's a good idea. Thanks. 好主意,谢了。
Conversation B 会话B
Did you buy your Secret Santa gift yet? 妳的神秘圣诞老公公礼物买了没?
Yes. I bought something yesterday at the mall. 买了,我昨天在购物中心买了一件东西。
That's good. 很好。
I couldn't think of a gift for my person. 我想不到该送什么给我的送礼对象,
So I bought a gift card. 所以买了一张礼券。
That's fine. 没关系。
Will you just put it in an envelope? 妳会把礼券直接放在信封里吗?
No. I'm going to put it in a big box and wrap it. 不会,我会放在一个大盒子里,再用包装纸包起来,
Then it will be a big surprise! 这样对于收礼的人就会是一大惊喜!
Conversation C 会话C
Are you ready for the holiday party? 你已经为圣诞节派对做好准备了吗?
Yes! I finally bought my Secret Santa gift. 准备好了!我终于买好我的神秘圣诞老公公礼物。
Me, too! I went to so many stores. 我也是!我跑了好多家店。
I know. 是啊。
I went to the bag store, music store, calendar store and several department stores! 我去了包包店、音乐行、月历商店,还有几家百货公司!
Wow. That's a lot of stores. 哇,你还跑了真多家店。
But now you have your gift! 不过,你总算买到了你的礼物!
I do. And my Secret Santa has mine, too. I hope. 是啊,希望我的神秘圣诞老公公也买了送我的礼物。
We'll find out tomorrow 我们明天就会知道了!