【大家说英语】 第312期:姜饼屋(在线收听

 Lesson 10 Food 第十课 食物

December 21 12月21日
Gingerbread Houses 姜饼屋
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Abby tells Alex about gingerbread houses. 雅碧向亚力克斯提及姜饼屋。
People build little houses from gingerbread. 有些人会用姜饼盖出小小的房子,
Then they decorate them with candy. 然后再用糖果装饰,
That is the fun part! 而用糖果装饰是最好玩的部分了!
Susie builds gingerbread houses. 苏希会盖姜饼屋。
She uses a kit. 她使用整组的配套材料,
The walls and roof pieces are in the kit. 墙壁和屋顶的部位在套组内都有,
She uses frosting to paste them together. 她用糖霜把它们黏在一起。
Conversation A 会话A
Alex, do you and your family celebrate Christmas? 亚力克斯,你和你的家人会庆祝圣诞节吗?
Yes. But not everyone in Asia celebrates Christmas. 会,可是在亚洲并不是每个人都会庆祝圣诞节。
Do they build gingerbread houses? 他们会盖姜饼屋吗?
No. What are they? 不会。姜饼屋是什么东西?
They are small houses. 那是一间间小房子,
They are made from gingerbread. 姜饼屋是用姜饼盖成的小屋。
A house made from bread? Really? 用饼干盖的房屋?真的吗?
It's a special kind of bread. It's like a cookie. 那是一种特殊的面包, 像饼干一样,
People decorate them with candy. 大家都会用糖果来装饰外部。
Conversation B 会话B
Susie and Taylor, do you build gingerbread houses? 苏希和泰乐,妳们会盖姜饼屋吗?
Sometimes I do. I use a kit. 我有时候会, 我用一整组的材料。
Me, too. 我也是。
What do you mean? 什么意思?
A gingerbread house kit has all the pieces for the house. 姜饼屋套组里有盖屋子需要用的所有零件材料。
Right. The walls and the roof pieces are in the box. 没错,墙壁和屋顶的部位都在盒子里,
You just put them together. 只要组装起来就行了。
Is it hard? 会很难吗?
No, it's easy! 不会,很简单啊!
Conversation C 会话C
Where can I get a kit? 我可以去哪里买到套组材料?
You can get them at many stores. 在许多商店都可以买得到。
There are kits at the mall. You can buy one there. 购物中心有卖姜饼屋套组, 你可以去那里买。
Great! Then I can build my first gingerbread house. 太棒了!这样我就可以盖我的第一栋姜饼屋了。
And you can decorate it. 你还可以装饰姜饼屋,
That's the really fun part. 放装饰品的部分是最好玩了。
How do you paste the pieces together? 那些材料要怎么黏在一起?
I use frosting. 我用糖霜。
Oh! That sounds interesting and delicious! 哦!听起来好玩又好吃呢!