【大家说英语】 第314期:课后活动(在线收听

 Lesson 11 Talk About It 第十一课 主题讨论

December 23 12月23日
After School Activities 课后活动
Ashley read the list in the hall. 艾胥莉在走廊上看着一张选单,
It was a list of after-school activities. 内容列出了各种课后活动。
Ashley could choose just one of the activities. 艾胥莉只能挑选其中一项活动,
There were sports, music and art clubs. 单子中包括了运动、音乐和美术社团。
She saw her friend Megan. 她看见她的朋友梅根。
"Hey, Ashley! Max and I are going to be in the music club. “嘿,艾胥莉!麦克斯和我要参加音乐社,
Be in it with us!" 和我们一起加入吧!”
"Thanks, Megan," said Ashley. "That might be fun." “谢了,梅根,”艾胥莉说, “音乐社应该会很好玩。”
But the music club did not sound fun. 可是艾胥莉心里并不觉得音乐社好玩,
Ashley didn't want to be in it. 她不想参加音乐社。
She liked to paint. 她喜欢画画,
She wanted to join the art club. 她想加入美术社。
She saw her music teacher coming down the hall. 她在走廊上看见她的音乐老师走过来。
"Ashley!" he called. “艾胥莉!”他唤道,
"I talked to your parents. “我和妳的爸妈谈过了,
Your brother and sister were both in the music club. 妳的哥哥和姐姐之前都在音乐社,
You're also very talented in music. Please join the club." 妳也很有音乐天分, 请加入音乐社吧。”
The teacher was right. 那位音乐老师说得对,
Everyone in her family was a talented musician. 她家中的每个人都是很有天赋的音乐家,
And they had all been in the music club. 而且他们也都加入过音乐社。
Ashley thought about Megan. 艾胥莉想了想梅根,
Everyone wanted her to join the music club. 大家都要她加入音乐社。
She was good at music, but she didn't like it. 她虽然对音乐很擅长,却不喜欢音乐。
She really wanted to paint. 她很想画画,
She had to choose a club by Friday. 在星期五之前她就必须选择一个社团,
What should she do? 她该怎么办?
What would you do? 你会怎么做?