【大家说英语】 第321期:走路去上班(在线收听

 I am walking to work. It takes 15 minutes. 我走路去上班,整段路程需要十五分钟。

First, I pass a school. Then I pass a pet shop and a park. 首先,我要经过一所学校。接着经过一家宠物店和一座公园。
Sometimes I stop at the pet shop. I look at the cats in the window. 我有时候会在宠物店前停下脚步,看看窗户里的猫咪。
But all the lights are off. The shop is closed today. 不过,现在灯光完全没亮。宠物店今天没有营业。
Near the park, I get a phone call. I answer the phone. It is a police officer. 我走到公园附近时收到一通来电。我接起了电话。他是一名警察。
"A man took money from the bank this morning! He is tall. “今天早上有一名男子抢了银行!他很高。
He is wearing black pants and a black shirt. And he has a backpack," the police officer says. 穿着黑色长裤和黑色衬衫,背着一个背包。”该警察说道。
"Thank you," I say to the officer. Then I see a man with a backpack in the park. 我对那名警察说道:“谢谢”。然后我就在公园里看到了一名背背包的男子。
He is wearing black pants and a black shirt. 他穿着黑色长裤和黑色衬衫。
I walk toward him. He looks nervous. 我走向他。他看起来很紧张。
"Hi, I have a question for you," I say. 我说道:“嗨,我有个问题要问你。”
"Where were you this morning?" I ask him. 我问他:“今天早上的时候你在哪里?”
He thinks for a second. Then he says, "Well, I was at... the pet shop! 他想了一会儿。然后说道:“呃..我当时在宠物店!
I want a new cat. But I don't like any of the cats there." 我想要一只新的猫咪。但是那里的猫我都不喜欢。”
"Nice try," I say. "Let me see your backpack." 我说道:“得了吧。给我看看你的背包吧。”