【大家说英语】 第326期:学习骑摩托车(2)(在线收听

   OK, Linda. Are you ready for your first lesson? 好的,琳达。你为你的第一节课做好准备了吗?

  Yes! I'm so excited. Let's go! 是的!我非常激动。让我们开始吧!
  Whoa. Slow down. First, we need to check the motorcycle. 哇。等一下。首先,我们要检查一下摩托车。
  Check the motorcycle? Why? Is something wrong with it? 检查摩托车?为什么?有什么问题吗?
  No. But we need to check that everything is working. Safety is very important. 没有。但是我们要查看一切都正常。安全是最重要的。
  What should we check? 我们应该检查些什么呢?
  First, make sure you don't have a flat tire. 首先,确定你的轮胎没有漏气。
  OK. I checked everything. 好的。每个地方我都查了。
  Have you checked the brakes and the lights? 你有检查刹车和车灯吗?
  Yes, yes, yes. Can we drive now? 是的,查了。我现在能骑了吗?
  Not yet. Where is your helmet? 现在还不行。你的头盔呢?
  It's here. I'm ready. 在这儿。我准备好了。
  Good. Use both hands. 好的。两只手都要抓紧。
  Right. Can I start the motorcycle? 好的。我能启动摩托车了吗?
  Yes. And drive slowly. 可以。速度要慢。
  Umm, Alex... 恩,阿莱克斯...
  What's wrong? 怎么了?
  Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?
  How did the driving lesson go? 驾驶课程进行得怎么样?
  Uh, it didn't go very well. 额,进行得不太顺利。
  What do you mean? 怎么说?
  Well, it was good at first. But then Linda had a small accident. 一开始还好。但是之后琳达出了一次小事故。
  Is she OK? 她还好吗?
  She is probably OK... I mean, I think she's OK. 她大概没事。我是说,我认为她没事儿。
  What aren't you telling me? 你有什么在隐瞒我?
  She fell off the motorcycle. And now she's at the hospital! 她从摩托车上摔了下来。现在她正在医院!